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  1. I don't know if it helps you, but you can use for another purposes. For me, I use to export a DataSet to XLS. Renato UNativeXLSExport.rar
  2. Hummmm got it, thanks for the explanation. Renato
  3. Hi Delphi Developer, I attached a demo on my first post. Thanks.
  4. Hi. I have some code on a button "ClientEvents -> ExtEvents -> Click" that enable/disable browser full screen. If I click the button the code works fine but if I run some code like "Button.Click" the code doesn't work. I also tried to use "UniSession.AddJS(btnEnterFullScreen.JSName + '.btnEl.dom.click();');" but I didn't work either. Is there a way to do that? Renato FullScreen.rar
  5. Hi Delphi Developer, Pretty nice plugin, thank you.
  6. Hi. In fact I need to to swap "n" columns. I set this: UniDBGrid1 -> ClentsEvents -> UniEvents ... add beforeInit function beforeInit(sender, config){ config.enableColumnMove = true } That allows me to swap every column to any order I want. Then I would like to save these positions and load them further. But when I swap the column, the property "Column[X].Index" still is "X" (old position) and not the "new X" (new position). Sorry if I'm not explaining it well, and thanks for your help. Renato Marques
  7. Hi Farshad. We want to test some demo applications in order to purchase. Would you make it? Thanks.
  8. Ty very much. A feature like "Grid.SaveColumnsOrder" and "Grid.LoadColumnsOrder" would be perfect lol Renato Marques
  9. Hi, Sorry, the example is not my real case. I figured out that headerCt.move() will not help me in this case because I can reorder all the columns and, in the end, some columns would be scrambled. Is there any other feature to move columns order? Ty Renato Marques
  10. Delphi Developer, please, let's see if you can help me... I'm planning to create some configurations where the user can choose the order of the columns. Ex: Orginal order: Column A (idx 0), Column B (idx 1), Column C (idx 2), Column D (idx 3) Reorganized order: Column C (idx 0), Column A (idx 1), Column D (idx 2), Column B (idx 3) Using the technique above (.headerCt.move()) if I move the column 1 to 3 and 3 to 5, the result is moving column 1 to 5, which I don't want to. Is there a way to do what I want? Renato Marques
  11. Farshad, is it possible this feature to be implemented? Ty.
  12. Hi, I'd like the same feature, is it possible?
  13. I'm facing the same problem. Anyone help?
  14. Hi lema. Sorry bothering you. I forgot completely about your demo source files. I saw that you use "OnAjaxEvent" to get that information and I was looking for it in the component properties. Now I think I can get what I need. Thank you. Renato
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