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Posts posted by lema




    I'm testing a kml file, no online demo works, no console demo shows show
    preview /**/_xdc_._pfk19i && _xdc _._ pfk19i ([0, null, null, null, null, null, 2, [["cliente", "2"]]])
    resposta /**/_xdc_._pfk19i && _xdc _._ pfk19i ([0, null, null, null, null, null, 2, [["cliente", "2"]]])
    do not load, I already released the key in the google console



    Hello, maybe this can help you.



    Hi Lema,
    after installing version 1.4.8 (with unigui Pro uni-, the route function displays an error and does not work.
    The error also comes with uniGMap Demo (I've compiled on my PC)
    If I open the DIRECTIONS example and click on GO, the application shows a script error with the "Unexpected string" message and the following text:
    If I reinstall the version 1.4.6 everything will return to work perfectly.

    Where am I wrong?
    Thank you




    please double check that the Google Maps Directions API in your Google API Key is enabled.

  3. Hi Lema, Yes I can, I send you a link, its a simple project




    also I have some problems running project as ISAP dll published to IIS, even in 32 bits I get a white screen instead of the map,

    I tested you demo project and have the same problem

    I sent you some pictures in the links below






    Hello, did you set your own Google API Key ?

    (The corresponding constant is MyGoogleAPIKey)


    You can get your key at https://code.google.com/apis/console/


  4. Hi Lema,


    when I Compile my projects to 64 bits the UniGmap only shows a white screen. :unsure:

     it runs well on 32 bits but I really need to compile to 64 bits.

    I'm using Delphi Berlin update 1 and unigui version



    could you please upload a sample application demonstrating the problem ?

  5. Dear All,


    Can teach me how to use this component in UNIGUI, ?


    1. retrieve the postal code from the address.

    2. Calculate the distance between two address.


    Thanks in advance.




    1. You can try reverse geocoding.


    2. Use the included Haversine formula

    function TUniGMap.ComputeDistanceBetween(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2: Double): Double;

  6. Dear Lema,


    Is there any function to know if a point is contained in a kml polygon?





    AFAIK, there is no any Google Maps API function to solve the Point-In-Polygon problem.

    You have to find a suitable algorithm via searching the internet.


    You can try:




    Personally, I have used the spatial functions of MySQL.

  7. Dear Lema, First of all thank you very much for your help!!! I have a KML file loaded ok, with several polygons, my question is it possible to search for a particular polygon, can it be searched for by some characteristic? Thank you so much





    - please correct me if I am mistaken -

    but I don’t have see any Google Maps API call for searching in KML Layers.


    Why don't you parse and traverse the KML file like any other XML?

  8. Hi 


    What causes this error ?

    In a existing project my gmap works, in new one

    i got this message


    regards Peter


    Hello, is the problem solved ?




    In general :

    When the component is being created, it adds the necessary paths in ServerModule.CustomFiles.

    So, there must be an instance of uniGmap on your FIRST form.

    I always suggest to place an invisible uniGmap on your MainForm or LoginForm.


    Also, please make sure that you have the required JS files in the /files directory




  9. Hello,

    I uploaded a new version which implements the API method fitBounds.

    The fitBounds sets the viewport to contain the given bounds.

    procedure TUniGMap.fitBounds(sw, ne: TPoints2D);
    //sw : South-West corner (Bottom-Left)
    //ne : North-East corner (Top-Right)

    There is also a new form in the demo , showing the usage of the new procedure.




    2017-08-13  v1.4.7
    Tested with uniGUI ver.

    Online demo:

  10. Hi Lema, great component, thank you for the work.

    Can i ask you afew question?


    1) How can i pan to show all the items on the map? I believe panto polyline do that but only pan to the latest point. I test on your sampel and do the same. by Example if the zoom selected put some point soff the view and apply 




    It only pans to the last point of the polyline, Same for a polygon, Theres no way to show all the points in the map autoadjusting the zoom?


    2) AddmarkerEX do nothing here, cant find why.


    Best regards.




    1. You can use the procedure fitBounds (this has been implemented in the latest version 1.4.7).


    2. Check the existence of the file markerwithlabel_packed.js. It must be located into /files directory.


    Good Night, I'm trying to make UnigMap work to get the location. I did exactly as in the DEMO example, however Firefox has the following error "ReferenceError: GeolocationAPIForm is not defined", and I can not figure out what is missing. Because in the DEMO being compiled in my machine it works perfectly, however in my APP it does not work appearing the informed message.
    Can anyone help me if I can?



    Do you create the GeolocationAPIForm as a Free or as Application Form?

    How do you call the GeolocationAPIForm ?

    Can you provide a working example ?


    Hello, I created this new procedure, so that there is no waypoint limit, google limits it by 25 points.
    Only I can not remove after I have created. can you help me?? To remove all created routes. With the procedure "RemoveAllRoutes" deletes only the last route created ..
    procedure TUniGMap.RouteUnlimitedWaypoints(DirectionsRequest: TDirectionsRequest);





    can you please upload a working sample in order to look at it ?

  13. Hello! The problem only occurs only when I use bookmark with label of type TMarkerEX, when replaced by TMarker, the problem does not appear.



    Please check that you have latest markerwithlabel_packed.js in the corresponding /files directory.

    (You can find this library in the uniGMap package)


    Hello, I created this new procedure, so that there is no waypoint limit, google limits it by 25 points.
    Only I can not remove after I have created. can you help me?? To remove all created routes. With the procedure "RemoveAllRoutes" deletes only the last route created ..
    procedure TUniGMap.RouteUnlimitedWaypoints(DirectionsRequest: TDirectionsRequest);



    I will look at it ASAP.

  15. Hello lema, how can I print and export to PDF the map?




    I tried before -without much success- to print a map with all its content.


    The Google Maps Javascript API doesn’t print overlays (markers, lines, etc.) and the alternative solution with the use of Static Maps API didn’t work well because the URL I was building, exceeded the max limit (I think it was 2KB).


    When I find some time, I will take a look at it again.


    In the meanwhile, I suggest to look for workarounds like html2canvas or dom-to-image.

  16. When an application has a login form the component is not showing the map. If it does not have the form of login dai it works ..


    When the component is being created, it adds the necessary paths in ServerModule.CustomFiles.

    So, there must be an instance of uniGmap on your FIRST form.


    I always suggest to place an invisible uniGmap on your MainForm or LoginForm.


  17. Hello, in a form paste an unigmap and a uniboton, when pressing this one must put a mark in the map but it shows attached error.


    Ajax Error


    MarkerWithLabel is not defined

    I need help please.






    Please make sure that you have the required JS files in the /files directory



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