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Posts posted by lema

  1. 19 hours ago, picyka said:

    When testing the map link on the Google Maps button, on the Geocoding tab, with the PanTo check box, should he already add a marker on the map?


    procedure TUniGMap.Geocoding (Address: string; PanTo: Boolean = False);


    if PanTo then

      Script: = Script + '@ googleMap @ .panTo (results [0] .geometry.location);';


    In the example that doesn't happen, what should the behavior be?

    Hello !

    The function you mention just goes (pans) to the location you gave.

    It does not place any marker.



  2. Hello,
    my first impression of linux apache module was great!
    The FishFacts demo run excellent and very fast.

    I also ported a small application with calendar, calendarpanel and DB (something like scheduler). 
    There were some small incompatibilities with images and icons which solved with the using of UniNativeImageList. 

    The only that I couldn’t sorted out, was the SSL usage.
    reCaptcha died with “Could not load SSL library.
    Does anyone have any experience on linux OpenSSL?

    Delphi 10.3.3
    Apache on Debian 10


    • Upvote 1
  3. Hello !
    Although, I can suspend the events via : 

    UniSession.AddJS(UniCalendarPanel1.JSName + '.events.eventmove.suspend()');

    I would like to set whole component into ReadOnly mode.
    My will is not to leave user to interact with CalendarPanel.
    Is that possible?

    Running on latest uniGUI v. (Delphi 10.2).


    13 minutes ago, Sherzod said:


    I will try one of these days to install your build and check.

    Thank you !



    Actually, I can't figure out where to put this code....


    UniCalendarPanel1 -> ClientEvents -> ExtEvents ...
    function eventmove(sender, rec, eOpts)
      return false




  5. 2 hours ago, Sherzod said:


    Can you upgrade to the latest build?

    Hello dear Sherzod.

    The upgrade to the latest build, of course, is into my next future goals.

    I am one of the oldest UniGui users and now, I am just try to enter again into Delphi web development.

    The CalendarPanel is a proof of concept for a potential project.


  6. Hello, to all.

    Is any way to set a CalendarPanel "readOnly" ?

    I want to develop an application that only shows the events to the web user.

    I don't want the user to interact with CalendarPanel  (like resize, move, or other actions).

    I am using Delphi 10.2 and uniGUI


    Thank you and stay safe !



    PS. The following, doesn't seem to work.



  7. Hi,


    Thank you for great component, would you please add localize: language=ar|he|.....




    as fast workaround,

    I suggest to set your map language by appending language=xx to the API url.

    This can be found in the constructor of the component

    url := 'http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=' + MyGoogleAPIKey + '&libraries=geometry,places,visualization&sensor=false&language=ar';

    The supported map languages with their language codes can be found at:


  8. hello, google maps in [uniScrollbox] inside [uniFrame] didn't load from first load page, i should make refresh in browser, do you have solution?




    Please make sure that you have a uniGmap component on your MainForm or LoginForm if you use it.

    (It doesn't need to be visible.)

  9. Hello Lema!


    Thank you for you answer!


    Yes, I did put a uniGMap on my mainForm, but still with that it happens sometime that I need to close session and re-open in order to properly load google object.

    So I also add a uniGMap on my loginFrm: then I don't have the issue..  ^_^

    When the component is being created, it adds the necessary paths in ServerModule.CustomFiles.

    So, there must be an instance of uniGmap on your FIRST form.

    I always suggest to place an invisible uniGmap on your MainForm or LoginForm.

  10. Hello Lema !! Hello UniGUI users !!  :)


    First of all, thank you very much for this work, I haven't tested it entirely yet, but I am just starting ;D


    It seems that I encounter this same problem...


     I am basically just doing this in my OnFormShow:


    EDIT: I don't know why but this error is not always fired..what am I missing ?  :wacko:

    EDIT2: Firefox seems to have less problem to load google object !


    Thank you again for your time !  -_-


    Ps: Is your address still good ? (For your post card collection ^^)




    Please make sure that you have a uniGmap component on your MainForm or LoginForm if you use it.

    (It doesn't need to be visible.)

  11. Hello lema:


    There is a bug with clusters and markersEx due to recent google maps API changes.

    Now, the clusters won´t appear and a Ajax error pops: "Cannot read property 'removeChild' of null"

    You can open your own online demo and click the button: "Marker Clusterer", and then, click the "Add markersEx" and the error will show up.






    I will check it out when I have time.

  12. Hello,

    the MarkersEx is a dynamic array of TMarkerEx.

    So, you have to allocate storage.



    You can use something like the following


    while Not DTM.Vehicule.Eof do
      SetLength(MarkersEx, High(MarkersEx) + 2);
       with MarkersEx[High(MarkersEx)] do
                      id := DTM.VehiculeRECORDID.Value;


                     icon := '/files/images/45.png';

                    UniGMap1.AddMarkerEx(High(MarkersEx)], True);


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