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Posts posted by gerardocrisci

  1. The label "Email" is a node that I would like to disable and move to the left.
    I created the menu with this test of mine
    procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject);
      procedure AddMenuItems(AMenu: TUniMenuItem; TreeNode: TUniTreeNode);
        I: Integer;
        Node: TUniTreeNode;
        for I := 0 to AMenu.Count - 1 do
          Node := UniTreeMenu1.Items.Add(TreeNode);
          Node.Text := AMenu[I].Caption;
          Node.Visible := AMenu[I].Visible;
          Node.ImageIndex := AMenu[I].ImageIndex;
          Node.Action := AMenu[I].Action;
          if (TreeNode=nil) and (AMenu[I].Count=0) then
            Node.Text := '<div style=" font-size: 10px;  color: #888;  text-transform: uppercase; left:-10px">'+AMenu[I].Caption+'</div>';
            Node.ImageIndex := -1;
          if not Assigned(Node.Action) and Assigned(AMenu[I].OnClick) then
            Node.OnClick := AMenu[I].OnClick;
          AddMenuItems(AMenu[I], Node);
       AddMenuItems(UniMenuItems1.Items, nil);

    I do not know if using the node as a label is right.

  2. I have a folder in the "files" path that contains the icons used in the program.

    I do not want to load all these files into UniNativeImageList as images, creating a big dfm.

    I would like UniNativeImageList to only store the relative urls,  or file names, as it does with IconCls.

    I think it is more convenient to have icon files in a folder than to include them in the compiled program.


    Everything so that Images.GetImageDefaultUrl (FImageIndex) returns the stored url and not the url of the cached icon.


    In addition, add a property such as FornatUrlIconPath.

    that in order for the GetImageDefaultUrl result to be formatted.


    an item with the file name "Home"

    and with FornatUrlIconPath = "/ files/32x32/%s.png '


    result: = format (FornatUrlIconPath, [item url])> "/files/32x32/Home.png '.


    I wish I could do it and do not disturb

    but even if I paid the "uniGUI Complete - Professional Edition" version

    I do not have the source of uniImageList.pas

    to be able to create my TUniImageListUrls


    Thank you





  3. You can create a demo where a grid interacts with a chart?

    click bars <=> select row.


    Does anyone know how to do?


    How you can use the events of the grid and the graph?

    Thank you


    look at this example extjs 4:


    Dynamic Form, Grid and Charts

    Showing companies information in a grid. Selecting a row will highlight the bar corresponding to that company and fill in the form with the company data. A radar chart will show the company information. You can update the information in the form to see it change live in the grid, bar chart and radar charts



  4. thank you :)

    It is a safe definition of the name unigui components to javascript?


    but I used in

          ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Strings = (
                      function mouseout(sender, eOpts)
                      function mouseover(sender, eOpts)

    his name defined in the editor...  MainForm.UniLabel1.

  5. you can get a combo you call a s = getimageURL to write directly 


    <Div style = "background-image: url (/file/image/25.png)" class = "x-combo-list-item-icon-ux combo-item">


    and not use a / handleEvent?

    and not use a TMemoryStream for the image?


    Thank you

  6. I also fill all web programing so fragile.

    I wonder what will happen if EXT JS 4.2 will not be supported any more, uniGUI is still in 4.2 and something breaks.

    How fast can uniGUI be migrated to EXT JS 6?

    We think to develop a web interface to our app but it looks that uniGUI is moving to slow.

    BTW, I'm new here and wonder how fast a new Delphi version is supported by uniGUI?

    I think that the staff of UNIGUI will not be difficult to create integrated components with ExJs 6

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