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Everything posted by joriolm

  1. Thanks, Jason, Dionel, I got this error when making an ISAPI Module App.: --------------------------- Error --------------------------- Cannot run project unless a host application is defined. Use the Run|Parameters... dialog box. --------------------------- OK Details >> ------------------------ This request a .exe file......?? When creating a new project from TurboDelphi 2006 I have this: 1- VCL App / Standalone Server 2- VCL App / Standalone Server/ISAPI Module 3- ISAPI Module 4- Windows service app. Which ones creates .dll ? What .exe have to be the host app ? Why I have to run my desktop app to deploy it in browser ? (Running my desktop app and going to http:localhost:8077/UNIGUI2 runs ok) This is the IIS message with another project with .dll generated: Error HTTP 404.0 - Not Found Módulo IIS Web Core Notificación MapRequestHandler Controlador StaticFile Código de error 0x80070002 Dirección URL solicitada http://localhost:80/UNIGUI3.dll Ruta de acceso física C:\inetpub\wwwroot\UNIGUI3.dll Método de inicio de sesión Anónimo Usuario de inicio de sesión Sorry by this basics questions. Thanks, J. Oriol M.
  2. Hi, I have made a simple app with a UNIDBGrid displaying data with Zeos from PostgreSQL. I used version 0.86 Application runs ok in desktop and web. 1- I configured IISS 7 (Win 7) step by step like UNIGUI web page. 2- I copied ext-3.3.0 folder to my c:\inetpub\wwwroot\myproject folder 3- Checked folder permissions: myproject,cache,ext-3.3.0 to user IIS_IUSRS 4- Welcome IIS 7 page shows ok 4- An test with an index.html with a simple "This works !!" string shows ok, But http://localhost/myproject only shows the folders and files of my project. I disabled directory listing, but no luck. Please, any suggestion about this will be appreciated, I'm just starting with IIS and UNIGUI. Regards, J. Oriol M.
  3. Thank you very much, Farshad, I'm a bit embarrased by this stupid question, at last I understood the difference between LocalCachePath ad LocalCacheURL. I changed what you said and my PDF report is showing ok..... UniGui Rocks !!!. I come from a few years of Delphi development and I feel like in heaven, Can I bother you with another one ?, please, It is possible to show the FastReport Preview window ? if not, how can I export my data to a Excel file ? This will be the last feature to seek in UNIGUI to start two medium size projects. Any help will be appreciated. Regards J. Oriol M.
  4. Hi Farshad, I have this code, from a modified Richard Wu's post version: rptfile := 'pres1'; s := UniServerModule.LocalCachePath; s := StringReplace(s,'\','/',[rfReplaceAll]); FRXpres.PrepareReport(TRUE); frxPDFExport1.Report := FRXpres; frxPDFExport1.FileName := s + rptfile+'.pdf'; if FRXpres.Export(frxPDFExport1) then begin UniURLFrame1.URL := s + rptfile+'.pdf'; ShowMessage('Report in: '+s + rptfile+'.pdf'); end else begin MessageDlg('Error generating the report',mtError,[mbOK],nil); end; Why this PDF shows ok in the Frame on the exe, but in browser's ? Should I manually set the Frame URL property with the same direction like this ? file:///d:\project\cache.... ?? Thanks in advanced. J. Oriol M.
  5. Hi Cezar, I'm just starting with UniGui, I made a project with a UniDBGrid connected to Postgres on ZeosLib, everything is running well, additionaly, I have a FastReport report but, how do you show it ?, any help is welcome. Regards. J. Oriol M.
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