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Everything posted by elGringo

  1. Thank you, Zilav. multiple connections with pooling ? How much multuple? One for the unit, one for the procedure,function, one for the program?)) About pooling - yes - very useful information - i've read it monthes ago but have forgotten for the moment. Now - i'm rewriting app to have one connection for the thread. One Connection for the main thread and others for each thread created in program. As I understand docs - it is correct;
  2. Yes, but second approach calls connection only in the moment program need.
  3. I use firedac but for my question it doesn't matter. What is better? To use 1 connection with DB or Many? 1 connection is like In mainUnit I create FDConnection:TFDConnection and everywhere in other modules I will use link to that Many Connections means For Every procedure of every module I will Create Connection like procedure MyProcInSomeModule; var FDConnectionLocal:TFDConnection; begin FDConnectionLocal:=TFDConnection.Create(Self); //Do something; FreeAndNil(FDConnectionLocal); end; Sometimes in MYSQL i meet "Too many connections" that's why I ask. What is your experience. What is normal practice???
  4. Hi, gatosoft! Yes! your answer is 100 % of what I need for the moment !!! Yesterday i found a little bit different decision, but yours is more elegant. My decision was lite that uSomeComponent_BPL procedure TSomeComponent.MyClick(Sender: TObject); begin fAdditionalLocal:=TfAdditional.Create(Self); fAdditionalLocal.somefieldInternal:=Self.SomeField; ShowMessage(fAdditionalLocal.somefieldInternal); end; but it is not so convenient as yours one!!! Thank you again.
  5. Hello, there There is built-in StressTool in commercial version, C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Utils\StressTestTool and description how to use it in docs...
  6. Ok, to demonstrate problem, I have following structure (pic №1 in Attachment) -SomeComponent.bpl -uSomeComponent_BPL.pas -uAdditional.pas -TestProgram.exe -uTestProgram.pas In uSomeComponent_BPL.pas I have special published property SomeField (Pic №2 in Attachment) ... property SomeField:string read FSomeField write FSomeField; ... What is my problem and my Task? When user will enter Some Value in SomeField I need to transfer and use it in unit uAdditional of component. I cannot do that without using GlobalVars for the moment. What did I try? After register of Component, I tried to Create Locally exemplar of TSomeComponent from uSomeComponent_BPL like this uAdditional... procedure TfAdditional.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var SomeComponent:TSomeComponent; begin SomeComponent:=TSomeComponent.Create(Self); ShowMessage(SomeComponent.SomeField); end; In uSomeComponent_BPL.pas procedure TSomeComponent.CreateAdditionalForm; var AdditionalForm:TfAdditional; begin AdditionalForm:=TfAdditional.Create(Self); end; Added component to form in test program. Then in object inspector I entered some test value like '123'. After that in test program I tried to call that externally like this procedure TfMainform.SomeComponent1Click(Sender: TObject); begin SomeComponent1.CreateAdditionalForm; end; But message was emty - so that didn't work... If to use Global Vars - everything will work. But it is known that GlobalVars - bad practice. Conclusion If you know how to transfer data from unit to unit in that case, please help me. Regards, Stanislav. 324_GlobalVarTest.zip
  7. Maybe as attachment to message here? Or you want to deploy it on some Server? I have Azure account for the moment
  8. Thank you for the answer! I develop program for test / questionaire / course generation. I'm going to develop application with following architecture -Admin will generate content in VCL app that will be stored in MYSQL, files will be stored separately -Students or workers will open UniGUI sessions in browser to see that content -Limit will be max 200 sessions Program will be installed as the usual EXE, consisting of 2 EXE - VCL for admin, and separate UniGUI Server that will be started from VCL on Play button for example. If my client would want to deploy it on VPS i wll convert it to dll. The reason why ask about UniGUI EXE productivity here is that is my first real experience with UniGUI EXE Server Anyway, thank you for your information! As for the link - Yes, if you dont mind Regards, Stanislav
  9. And is any difference between EXE server and dll in productivity? I'm going to use EXE...
  10. Wow! That is very interesting example and how much users work simultaneously? And how much memory it takes?
  11. Hello, everyone. I want to develop program on UniGUI where 200 users or more will work simultaneously. I want to know how UniGUI works with high loaded projects on the practice. Who developed high loaded programs ? What factors should I consider? Please share your experience. As far as I understand program must be 64 bit, if each session is about 10mb then server RAM should be >=2 GB. Stress Test Tool may be helpful here as far as I understand. What else? Regards.
  12. Спасибо! Стараемся!
  13. Thank you, Abaksoft an Iema for the Answers! Before last coming to programming I was in Sales ( Agricultural machines on Kuhn brand during 2 years), and after that experience I understood that 'Everything can be sold'. Hundreds of meetings with clients and so on... Brand was very expensive relatively to other competitiors, but 1,5 mln euro sales a year during 2 years was done. There's no doubt Delphi is well done product for the moment technically. All new features, frameworks, firemonkey, unigui and so on... Release every half a year - it seems to me that after years of Borland silence Embarcadero decided to proove that Delphi is alive and alive one more time ))) And of course special thanks to Farshad for UniGUi! Why there is not many jobs on Delphi for the moment? The answer is marketing and sales, again. Delphi was in every school. In Borland times as far as I know Pascal, TurboPascal, Delphi was in every school - a lot people was programming on that languages - a lot of Delphi blood. A lot of Delphi people - a lot of projects - a lot of jobs as I can see the chain. Today as far as I know in schools and universities mixed situation. Yesterday i scanned for jobs in Delphi and found some jobs where people looking for Delphi Developer on new projects (for example here, in Russian). So jobs marketing began slowly come to life. Of course for the moment ratio is was written is 1/20 but jobs in consequence of marketing policy and sales of Embarcadero or IDera for the moment. For many people contemporary Delphi IDE is quite expensive in comparison with VS for the example. Truth in that 90% of success depends on developer, good and successfull app may be written in many languages. But some languages may fit more or less for the task. As for me, I'm not looking for the job as a Delphi programmer, i just use that instrument to create my little Apps for the Market. And have positive experience, during all that. What I like in Delphi is the speed of Development. A lot of things already done!
  14. Thank you for the answer. So, UniGui seem to be the second breath for the Delphi ) Who else will share his experience?
  15. Hello everyone. l'm independent Delphi developer, about 1,5 years of active experience. I chose that language because I was learning it in University and for the moment it seems to me perfect tool for Development. What i can see is dramatical story of the product, perfect first steps in 1994, betrayal of the anders hejlsberg, very strange policy of the Borland, after that, selling to Embarcadero, than to IDERA and so on..., many holywars on the net about 'Is Delphi Dead' or 'Delphi vs C++' and so on... If it is dying like some saying, than it is dying for too long time ~ 21 years )) So I don't want to repeat all that info trash, but wanted to ask you, who developing on UniGUI, How do you see present and future of Delphi? In my opinion it has very good prosperity, but also not very good marketing policy for the moment... Most of developers as I think are working in some companies, but not creating programs directly for the market, and situation with the jobs on Delphi not very good, as for the moment in Russia, how is your experience, in your locations? http://www.isdelphidead.com/
  16. Да, без проблем. просто не было такой инфы, до всего самому пришлось доходить. Конечно, там не идеально, но всё же, есть от чего оттолкнуться.
  17. Created example by myself, added Main and Mainm and it works correctly - magic!
  18. Hello, everyone! For the moment I found for myself, how mobile Application works in principle - i just follow myipadress:8077 on mobile browser and see mobile version of Unigui App on the phone. As I understand this approach more Universal than on FireMonkey for Example . But let me know how exactly works hybrid example in the Demos. When I open that on PC - I See Desktop version, when I open on the phone browser I see mobile version. I have seen 2 forms Main and Mainm. But where is the switcher for loading one or another? Or its inside? Where is the condition which tell server to load Mobile Form or Desktop form?? Regards, Stanislav
  19. Ok,that's clear, Farshad, thank you.
  20. Вот что получилось у меня http://digital-flame.ru/2016/02/15/unigui-deploy-ot-a-do-ya/ http://digital-flame.ru/2016/02/16/unigui-prikreplyaem-domen-k-unigui-proektu/
  21. Dear all, please share your opinion about Error management in UniGUI... In Delphi we have try except and try finally blocks for managing exceptions like this try DoSomething; except // ErrorManagement end; In JS we have following try { //Do something } catch (err) { // Error management } 1. But how to manage it in UniGUI - with Delphi approach or maybe with JS approach ? I understand that both approaches will work because on the fact we have JS code. 2. Is in UniGUI some special class for Error Management like EFDDBEngineException in FireDAC for example???
  22. Ok, that's clear DD!!! I also found solution to wrap my text in <div style="word-wrap: break-word;" ><p>SomeText...</p> </div> but your decision much better!!!
  23. Hi, everyone! Having UniHTMLMemo and content like this <p><span class=rvts1>SomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeTextSomeText</span></p> I need WordWrap effect but i get it like 1 string with scrollBars. How can I get WordWrap effect? WordWrap is in true at UniHTMLMemo.
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