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Everything posted by aytaral

  1. On unigui Mobile prompt multiline not working. only single line. Is there any or any other solution to this? Apart from this, the prompt window appears in the middle of the screen. On mobile, it stays under the keyboard. The user must first close the keyboard to press OK. How can I bring the prompt window to the top of the screen? Since I couldn't solve these, I tried to log in via a new form. I put a unimedit on the form and select it as ActiveControl:=Unimedit1 in the form. When the form is shown, the edit does not focus and the keyboard does not open. You have to click edit manually to open the keyboard. What is the solution to these problems? unigui version Thanks.
  2. Hello, i already uninstalled. If you read what I wrote carefully, it says there. The problem persisted even after uninstalling it. I had to reinstall Eset and configure it again in eset settings. Thanks.
  3. Solved, The common feature between the two servers was that both had ESET installed. I identified this. I uninstalled ESET from both servers and restarted them, but the issue still persisted. I reinstalled ESET and added Hyperserver to the list of trusted applications under "Web and email" protection in advanced settings. After restarting Hyperserver, the issue was resolved. It seems that ESET leaves some residue in the registry even after uninstalling it. Thank you for your attention and time.
  4. can i try two different server. windows server 2012 and windows server 2016. i try lasttest build and between 1546 - 1565. i try chrome, opera, internet explorer. but same setup works fine another windows 2012 or 2016 server. i try now cookies demo on 8078 port.
  5. not working i crying ip:8091/server is working on hyperserver or hyperservice but ip:8091 blank page. i set detailed log in hyperservice.cfg : hyper_service.exe: 00002AA4: 16:03:14 [TUniServerModule]:Server First Init. hyper_service.exe: 00002AA4: 16:03:14 [TUniServerModule]:Start Path = E:\x\ hyper_service.exe: 00002AA4: 16:03:14 [TUniHyperServer]:InitInterceptor hyper_service.exe: 00002AA4: 16:03:14 []:Transport.PoolSize: 750 hyper_service.exe: 00002AA4: 16:03:14 []:Creating Node: #0 hyper_service.exe: 00002AA4: 16:03:14 [Attempting to Create]:"E:\x\Web.exe" /node_id=0 /mode=node /mserver_url="&zvyock230331155727229" /cluster_mode=0 /first_node=true /service=true /port=16384 hyper_service.exe: 00002AA4: 16:03:14 [New Node Created.]: Process Id: 10364 hyper_service.exe: 00002AA4: 16:03:14 []:Started Pinging Node: 0 hyper_service.exe: 00002AA4: 16:03:14 []:Creating Node: #1 hyper_service.exe: 00002AA4: 16:03:14 [Attempting to Create]:"E:\x\Web.exe" /node_id=1 /mode=node /mserver_url="&zvyock230331155727229" /cluster_mode=0 /service=true /port=16385 hyper_service.exe: 00002AA4: 16:03:14 [New Node Created.]: Process Id: 13708 hyper_service.exe: 00002AA4: 16:03:14 []:Started Pinging Node: 1 hyper_service.exe: 00002AA4: 16:03:15 [TUniServerModule]:Starting HTTP Server on Port: 8091... hyper_service.exe: 00002AA4: 16:03:15 [TUniServerModule]:HTTP Server Started on Port: 8091 and hyperservice.cfg file : [transport] pool_size=0 command_timeout=20000 request_timeout=300000 connect_timeout=20000 [http_transport] start_port=16384 [hyper_server] binary_name=Web.exe initial_nodes=2 max_nodes=8 max_sessions=0 sessions_per_nodes=0 prompt_login=0 persistent_node_zero=0 port=8091 url_path= url_referer= ext_root=[ext]\ uni_mobile_root=[unim]\ uni_root=[uni]\ uni_packages_root=[unipack]\ max_requests=500 detailed_log=1 server_title= antiflood_per_ip=0 bindings= server_root= framework_files_root= http_max_pool=500 max_connections=500 session_one_per_ip=0 server_build= dont_create_backup=0 allow_remote_config=1 domain_cookies=0 server_direct_url= token=zvyock230331155727229 [node_recycling] enabled=1 recycle_after_secs=3600 recycle_after_sessions=0 recycle_after_idle_seconds=0 recycle_when_empty=1 [login-0] user_name= password= admin=0 [login-1] user_name= password= admin=0 [login-2] user_name= password= admin=0 [login-3] user_name= password= admin=0 [login-4] user_name= password= admin=0 [login-5] user_name= password= admin=0 [login-6] user_name= password= admin=0 [login-7] user_name= password= admin=0 [login-8] user_name= password= admin=0 [login-9] user_name= password= admin=0 [custom_mimes] mime_0_ext= mime_0_type= mime_1_ext= mime_1_type= mime_2_ext= mime_2_type= mime_3_ext= mime_3_type= mime_4_ext= mime_4_type= [websockets] enabled=1 aux_port=0 max_queue_length=1000 binding= global_binding= global_port=0 external_server_url= external_server_token= always_use_http=0
  6. Hello, i cannot see any console log. can i only this attached screens in browser blank page.
  7. I uninstalled the antivirus and restarted the computer but it still didn't work. I'm also installing the hyperserver config setup. Could it have something to do with the start port in the config? (16384)
  8. Hello, Yes but i completly disable antivirus. ip:8091/Server page displayed, but ip:8091 app page not displayed.
  9. Hello, I have done everything you have written. This is something I always do on different servers. However, I cannot figure out why it does not work on some of them.
  10. Merhaba. Sorunu Çözdünüz mü ? Aynı durum bende de var. Teşekkürler.
  11. Hello. My application works fine in standalone mode, but when running on HyperServer or HyperService, the application page appears empty. I am experiencing this issue on some servers, even though the config files are correct and the port is set to 8091 in both the config and the application. The connection "ip:8091/Server" appears correctly in HyperServer and HyperService, but "ip:8091" displays a blank page. I have tried disabling the antivirus and firewall, but the issue persists. I couldn't find anything related to this in the logs. I am a licensed user and was using version 1556. I upgraded to the latest build (1565) to test, but the problem still persists. As mentioned, I am experiencing this issue on some servers, but not on my own computer or a few other servers. Thank you.
  12. Merhaba. Uygulama standalone moddda düzgün çalışıyor ancak hyperserver yada hyperservice de uygulama sayfası boş görüntüleniyor. bu durumu bazı serverlarda yaşıyorum. config dosyaları düzgün. port u 8091 olarak ayarlı hem config de hem de uygulama içerisinde. ip:8091/Server bu bağlantı düzgün görüntüleniyor hyperserver ve hyperservice de. ancak ip:8091 boş sayfa geliyor. antivirüs ve güvenlik duvarını devre dışı bırakarak da denedim. loglarda herhangi birşey bulamadım bunun ile ilgili. lisanslı kullanıcıyım. 1556 versiyonunu kullanıyordum. denemek için son build olan 1565 e geçtim. onda da aynı problem devam ediyor. söylediğim gibi bazı serverlarda yaşıyorum bu durumu. mesela kendi bilgisayarımda ve diğer birkaç serverda sıkıntı yok. Teşekkerler. Not ( General bölümünde de ingilizce sordum soruyu ama buradaki post u silemedim. kusura bakmayın. sanırım post silinmiyor forumda.)
  13. Solved. i remove windows vcl paths from library path on linux. and works fine.
  14. Hi, im using Unigui on windows. i m licenced user. (pro edition) but i cannnot compile linux64. i try simply fishfacts demo. versions ; Delphi 10.3.3 Update 3 (10.3 Version 26.0.36039.7899 ) uni- (Last release before my subscription expired) i m attached to screenshots Thanks for your interest.
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