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Everything posted by awendisch

  1. Hello. I have two UniDbgrids on the same form, side by side and linked to the same DataSource, but with different columns. My question is as follows: How to synchronize the vertical scroll of both UniDbGrid so when one Grid is scrolled, the other is also in the same scroll position? Thankful!
  2. Hello, I have in a UniDbGrid two locked columns that I use to work with ActionsColumns. However the locked columns are left on the grid. I would like to put them on the right for a nicer web view. How can I change the position of locked columns? thankful!
  3. Hello Gerhard, I really enjoyed your work with the themes for UniGUI. I am interested in acquiring them. how should I proceed? My email is "awendisch@gmail.com"
  4. Hi, How can I change the background color of the selected item in TUniTreeMenu? I am using version Thanks
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