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Everything posted by jemmyhatta

  1. zilav, thank you very much. This command is very useful and important. Adragan, thank you for your advice. Your advise is very helpful when the order number do not have a format of years and months which is must back to number "1" every beginning of the new months and years. If I'm using this approach, then in the every beginning of new months and new years i have to reset back that number to "0". I'm very grateful for your assistance on this matter. The "Key Violation" error doesn't appear anymore after I added "SET XACT_ABORT ON" in stored procedure, and a little addition of code on event on error. And then, the code looks like this below: procedure TDataUmum.spEditHOrderError(ASender: TObject; const AInitiator: IFDStanObject; var AException: Exception); begin if EFDDBEngineException(AException).Errors[0].Kind = ekUKViolated then begin AException.Free; AException := Exception.Create('Mohon Coba Proses Penyimpanannya Sekali Lagi'); end; if EFDDBEngineException(AException).Errors[0].Kind = ekRecordLocked then begin AException.Free; AException := Exception.Create('Mohon Coba Beberapa Saat Lagi. Saat Ini Proses Sedang Padat '); end; end; I've tested that code with several simultaneous users trying to accessed the program together, and the "Key Violation" error not appear. Very Thanks! -Jemmy-
  2. I am using MSSQL Server 2012 and use stored procedure to help me check the last number where I call from my project. The primary key is "nobukti" and type of "nobukti" is varchar. I am generate new value from event OnClick because the value of "nobukti" have format. The format of "nobukti" is S001-YYYYMMXXX --> YYYY= Year, MM=Month, XXX=Order Number The codes is : procedure TFTOrder.BSubmitClick(Sender: TObject); var tamp, info, :string; begin {Check last number} DataModule.spLastNobukti.Active:=False; DataModule.spLastNobukti.ParamByName('@NOBUKTI').Value:=cust+'-'+FormatDateTime('YYYYMM',Date); DataModule.spLastNobukti.Prepared; DataModule.spLastNobukti.Active:=True; DataModule.spLastNobukti.Last; if DataModule.spLastNobukti.RecordCount=0 then tamp:=cust+'-'+FormatDateTime('YYYYMM',Date)+'001' else tamp:=Cust+'-'+FormatDateTime('YYYYMM',Date)+FormatFloat('000',StrToFloat(Copy(DataModule.spLastNobuktiNOBUKTI.AsString,12,3))+1); {save data} DataModule.spEditHOrder.ParamByName('@ASAL').Value:='SUBMIT'; DataModule.spEditHOrder.ParamByName('@TRANS').Value:='CUST'; DataModule.spEditHOrder.ParamByName('@KDCUST').Value:=Cust; DataModule.spEditHOrder.ParamByName('@SESSIONID').Value:=UniLogin.SessionID; DataModule.spEditHOrder.ParamByName('@USERID').Value:=UniLogin.UserID; DataModule.spEditHOrder.ParamByName('@NOBUKTI').Value:=tamp; DataModule.spEditHOrder.ParamByName('@TGLBUKTI').Value:=Date; DataModule.spEditHOrder.ParamByName('@NOSERI').Value:=trim(ENoSeri.Text); DataModule.spEditHOrder.ParamByName('@NOREG').Value:=trim(ENoAsset.Text); DataModule.spEditHOrder.ParamByName('@NOBARCODE').Value:=trim(ENoBarcode.Text); DataModule.spEditHOrder.ParamByName('@LOKASI').Value:=ELokasi.Text; DataModule.spEditHOrder.ParamByName('@UP').Value:=EPerson.Text; DataModule.spEditHOrder.ParamByName('@TELP').Value:=ETelp.Text; DataModule.spEditHOrder.ParamByName('@MEDIAINFO').Value:=EMedia.Text; DataModule.spEditHOrder.ParamByName('@PRODUK').Value:=EJenis.Text; DataModule.spEditHOrder.ParamByName('@MERK').Value:=EMerk.Text; DataModule.spEditHOrder.ParamByName('@TIPE').Value:=ETipe.Text; DataModule.spEditHOrder.ParamByName('@SIZE').Value:=ESize.Text; DataModule.spEditHOrder.ParamByName('@KELUHAN').Value:=EKeluhan.Text; DataModule.spEditHOrder.Prepare; DataModule.spEditHOrder.ExecProc; DataModule.spQueryHOrderBlmProses.Active:=False; DataModule.spQueryHOrderBlmProses.Active:=True; ShowMessage('Data Order Sudah Di Submit Dengan Nomor Order '+tamp); end; I have been added exeption in event onError in FDConnection like this : procedure TDataModule.FDConnectionTransaksiError(ASender: TObject; const AInitiator: IFDStanObject; var AException: Exception); var oExc: EFDDBEngineException; begin if AException is EFDDBEngineException then begin oExc := EFDDBEngineException(AException); if oExc.Kind = ekRecordLocked then oExc.Message := 'Mohon Coba Beberapa Saat Lagi. Saat ini Proses Sedang Padat.' else if (oExc.Kind = ekUKViolated) and SameText(oExc[0].ObjName, 'UniqueKey_Orders') then oExc.Message := 'Mohon Coba Proses Penyimpanannya Sekali Lagi'; end; end; After you see the code, you can give me some advice for this codes or in the properties of table in Datamodule?
  3. Hello, First of all, please pardon my English, I'm Indonesian. I have e-commerce project for request maintenance's order. I'm using components stored procedure FireDAC in unidatamodule, unidbgrid, etc. Now I'm in the testing stage to try whether this project is ready to deploy or not, and running some tests on it. The first test is to do some "concurrent data submit". In same time, multiple testers are inputting and trying to submit the datas. Then, I've got the "Key Violation" error message. Is there any way to lock the session or for buying me some time when I run the 'execproc' to avoid that error? Or, any other way to solve that? Thanks. The second test is to input as many datas as possible in slightly different submit time (not exactly the same, maybe just differ for several seconds). When the datas are successfully saved, each user see differences in unidbgrid. There're different data records for each of them, even when they already run the "Refresh" button (which is already there in unidbgrid); even when I already close and reopen the execproc table. DataModule.spEditHOrder.Prepare; DataModule.spEditHOrder.ExecProc; DataModule.spQueryHOrderBlmProses.Active:=False; DataModule.spQueryHOrderBlmProses.Active:=True; Example: Before testing begins, there're 10 records of datas. User1, User2, and User3 are trying to add 3 datas for each of them. The result is that User1 got to see 13 datas, User2 sees 16 datas, and User3 15 datas. In database, the total summary is 19 datas (correct, 10 + 3*3). But, is it normal? For each user just seeing differences in total data records appeareances? After executing the line "DataModule.spEditHOrder.ExecProc;" Then, what to do next, "DataModule.spEditHOrder.Release;" or "DataModule.spEditHOrder.Refresh;" ? Thank you in advance.
  4. Halo Farshad, Do you mean "uniGUI DataModule" is "Form MainModule" in uniGUI?
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