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Posts posted by jemmyhatta

  1. 6 minutes ago, Sherzod said:

    No more info?

    Cookie “UNI_GUI_SESSION_ID” will be soon rejected because it has the “SameSite” attribute set to “None” or an invalid value, without the “secure” attribute. To know more about the “SameSite“ attribute, read https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie/SameSite localhost:8077
    Loading failed for the <script> with source “http://localhost:8077/files/calc/calc.js”. localhost:8077:30:1
    Empty string passed to getElementById(). 4 LoginHelper.jsm:1460:8
    Empty string passed to getElementById(). 4 localhost:8077
    Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user’s experience. For more help http://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/ ext-all.js:20:15890

    Uncaught TypeError: c is not a constructor

        ExtJS 2
        onTriggerClick http://localhost:8077/uni- line 9 > eval:1
        callback ExtJS
        ExtJS 7

    Uncaught TypeError: c is not a constructor

        ExtJS 2
        onTriggerClick http://localhost:8077/uni- line 9 > eval:1
        callback ExtJS
        ExtJS 7
    when i clicked the calc
  2. On 11/26/2021 at 2:18 PM, Sherzod said:


    What error are you getting?

    sorry to bother u sherzod, i'm using delphi 11 and uni-,

    when im using XE6 unicalcedit work perfectly, but now it cant run in delphi 11, yes it can be install in delphi11 and deploy in Application, but when im running the program, the calculator dont popup. i suspect because it using unigui20.dcp but now in delphi11  it using unigui28.dcp. can u help me?

    i cant use marlon's unicalcedit, because its value cant used in other uninumberedit

  3. thanks @Marlon Nardi for your answer, i have some not successful code,

    procedure TFT_CHART.UniBitBtn3Click(Sender: TObject);

     UniFSChart1.ChartType := TUniFSKendoUIType(Column);
     UniFSChart1.ChartDataSet := UniMainModule.spDISIKPI1;
     UniFSChart1.ChartSeries.Values['categoryAxis'] := 'THN';
     UniFSChart1.ChartSeries.Values['Aktual'] := 'ACTUALX';
     UniFSChart1.ChartSeries.Values['Target'] := 'TARGETX';
     UniFSChart1.ChartSeriesDefaults := 'labels: {visible: true, font: "10px Tahoma", position: "outsideEnd", format: "#,#"}';
     UniFSChart1.ChartProperties.Values['valueAxis'] := '{labels: {font: "10px Tahoma", rotation: "auto", format: "#,#"}}';

    // that label in category axis just disappear, if i dont use this coding, the label still in default font size

     UniFSChart1.ChartProperties.Values['categoryAxis'] := '{labels: {font: "10px Tahoma"}}';

     UniFSChart1.ChartLegendPosition := TUniFSKendoUIPosition.Bottom;
     UniFSChart1.ChartStacked := False;

  4. Hello,

    I have been running unigui HyperServer (v1.50.0.1475) for a while at my office.

    I am using below configuration:





    Several questions there,

    1. After office hour, when web apps not used anymore (the employees has shutdown their PCs), why the sessions on hyperserver dashboard still same as before? The number not declined (I expect the sessions to be fewer), is it normal? Is there any variable on the config file that I have to change?

    2. In that case, where no one using web apps, is the node that already made can automatically back to default initial node? What I have to do with the configuration?

    3. I am trying to deploy. First, I am using upload method by hyperserver. When I am uploading, there is a pop up message with caption "error" but it is not explaining where or what is the error. Anything to be done with the configuration file, or is it about FTP port?

    4. Still about the deploy, I try to copy file "App.exe" to the deploy folder and then rename that file to "App.dep". But, the updated file that I placed there totally not changing the version of the binary. What happen there? I think I read that the inactive node can recycle itself to be "new version".

    Please help from you, friends. Thanks in advance!

  5. sorry i just ordering my co worker to ask to u :D


    so the problem still the same.. also i try the change caption commit and cancel button still not work..


    MainForm.Scripts ... add:

    Ext.grid.RowEditor.prototype.cancelBtnText = "This is cancel";
    Ext.grid.RowEditor.prototype.saveBtnText = "This is update";

  6. If your are using frxXLSExport it can be the problem. This component relies on Excel itself to create an Excel file. It requires Excel to be installed on server PC. Again, the OLE connection may not work in DLL mode because of restricted credentials.


    You must either use frxBIFFExport or frxXLSXExport which do not rely on Excel to work.


    Thanks for your help.


    I was wrong for the whole time.

    I use OLE to excel, while OLE doesn't support to be used on .DLL (I have to use other component).


    Case closed with this statement:  

    ".. the OLE connection may not work in DLL mode .."


    Thanks for the advice. I learned a lot for this case.

  7. Hello,


    You are using absolutes paths in your INI files. I think it is the source of problem. You have set ServerRoot to a path which does not exist in target PC.



    You must also make sure that all paths used in your app have full read write access needed by IUSR and IIS_IUSRS internal accounts.


    Sent from my SM-N900 using Tapatalk




    ServerRoot Location is where .dll and .exe files exist, right?

    If right like that, the ServerRoot location already set on target PC.(see "PictAccess03.jpg").


    About the "full read/write access" for the IUSR and IIS_IUSRS, already "full control" (see "PictAccess01.jpg", "PictAccess02.jpg").




    I also try to give "blank" value on ServerRoot properties (see "ServerRoot.jpg") but it doesn't work





    I also test the fast report demo from unigui. I change only the use of frxPDFExport component to frxXLSExport and the result is error message "file bla bla bla .xls not found" appears (see "PictAccess04.jpg") which only happen on .dll application (.exe no problem).




    Please enlighten me...



  8. We do not support old versions. Please try with latest Trial build.




    Sorry it takes me long time to respond this case.

    I've followed the suggestion to upgrade my UNIGUI to the latest version.


    Now that I'm running version,

    I'm already trying to rebuild my whole program into two versions, .EXE and .DLL.


    With .EXE version, the "convert to excel" running well, everything goes smoothly, no problem at all.


    BUT, with the .DLL version, I've got these results:

    +) "Error 404 - File or directory not found." not appear anymore on the browser.

    +) Appear message dialogue "Cannot open file.. bla bla bla.. The system cannot find the file specified." on every Operating systems I use (win 7, win server 2008).


    I use IIS 7.

    All settings on my IIS already checked with the documentation on UNIGUI website.


    I include the source code, need help, please enlighten me..

    Thank you in advance.


  9. Hi,

    I'm in a similar situation.
    My server is 2008 with IIS 7. I use UniGUI version 0.98.

    When I run the deployed .dll file directly from the server and want to convert from pdf to excel, there is an error message "File bla bla bla.xls not found."  

    If I'm trying to call that .dll file from other computer, the error message is "Error 404 - File or directory not found."

    In my curiosity, I deploy .exe file to my 2008 server just to make sure that my application which created by UniGUI is running well. In the end,  there is no problem, pdf file converted to excel successfully.

    My question is, WHAT'S WRONG? Is my IIS is the source of the problem? Or I have to reconfigure my firewall / security settings?

    Thanks alot..


    i use it with dataset. and for column title i use Mydataset.Fields.DisplayLabel := myTitleColumn

    if you deploy as dll. don't forget :




    sample of my export function :

    function TExportAO.SaveToXls : boolean;
      SMExport: TSMExportToXLS;
      SMExport := TSMExportToXLS.Create(nil);
        SMExport.DataSet:= GenQuery1;//genquery1 is a fdquery i use firedac
        SMExport.ColumnSource := csDataSet;
        SMExport.AddTitle := True;
        SMExport.FileName := fFileName;
        SMExport.KeyGenerator:='My Company Name';
        GenTitleLabel;//this function set displaylabel for each column
        result := (SMExport.ExportResult = erCompleted);

    Amazing.....It Work.  Thanks a lot

  11. Hi All,



    I have some need to try that component to export and import from DBGrid's data.


    The result when I run the web-apps is the error message "Error in data export : Invalid class type class" which is showed up after running "execute export".


    I there anyone in this forum ever used TSMExportToExcel component with UniDBgrid? Please share your experiences, and maybe some tips for me? Or any other solutions, using another component that suitable for export and import datas from UniDBgrid? Thanks.





    Best Regards,



    Jemmy Hatta



  12. I gave the solution above

    if does not work, what's the problem ?!


    I am sorry about this.   My mistake, I do wrong on implementing the code below. Everything works fine now. Thanks.



    function mousedown(sender, x, y, eOpts)


        ajaxRequest(MainForm.form, '_contextmenu', ['x='+x, 'y='+y]);


  13. Hi,






    And what if you will use this ?!:

    uses  ... DateUtils;
    procedure TMainForm.UniCalendarPanel1DayClick(Sender: TUniCalendarPanel;
      ADate: TDateTime; Allday: Boolean);
    var zindex: Integer;
      I: Integer;
      evtCount: Byte;
      evtCount := 0;
      for I := 0 to TUniCalendarPanel(Sender).Events.Count - 1 do
        if CompareDate(TUniCalendarPanel(Sender).Events[I].StartDate, ADate) = 0 then
      if evtCount < 3 then
        // show
      else begin

    Best regards.


    ok, it works. Thanks.



    And how about first question?

  14. Hi,
    Thanks for the hints.
    My third question answered, thanks..

    For the second question, I cannot use that, because what I want to check is the count of events (how many events) from each date. Let's say there are already three  events on that date, so the FORM /PANEL do not show. But, if less than three events on that date, the form /panel can show up.

    And then, what I mean with my first question is not like that, but..

    1. When I want to add an event on a date (eg: date 8), then I just click (left-click, default) on that date and the FORM show like on the sample (\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\CalendarPanel).

    2. If I right-click on the date, a popup menu show.


    NOTE : see attach files


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