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Israel Portillo

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Posts posted by Israel Portillo

  1. Hi group

    Wonder if there is a way to hide virtual keyboard in my mobile app  while I am in a unimedit but the information is generated by a scanner.... So I dont need it and the time in to show and to hide the virtual keyboard is about two precious secods in every scanning, killing the possibility of a fluent scan.

    Thanks for your help.




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  2. Yes I started coding this app while I had 1425 version installed in my IDE, after that I upgrade my IDE to 90.0.1539 version. When I have running delphi my app works great but when I try to run the app behind Delphi is when I have that screen. Including in the same computer.

    In a customer machine is the same, after I installed the 90.0.1539 runtime library I have the same mysterious page.


  3. Yes I know the process a lot of times....

    But my problem is an app started with a low version and running now it a new version.... I have another apps developed only with the new version and this apps are running well...

    Its like my app keeps references of libraries from the initial version but now is running with another libraries with a new version.

  4. Hi group

    I have a mobile app started while I had installed and using version then I upgrade to and when I am into delphi the app works great but when I try to used the deploy version I have problems... This including the same computer but not delphi running....

    Any suggestion ?


    unigui loading.jpg

  5. Yes, of course...

    I will be creating into a container, panels and buttons in runtime, Then every button/panel will need to respond to own events, Is there a way to attach a value (or Indicative) to any runtime created control to differentiate one from other ?

    The second point is how to attach too a ClienteEvents->UniEvents->beforeevent to a runtime created panel or button.... 


  6. Hi group.

    Is there a way to attach any value to a runtime created control to be used in any convenient purpose? Like to get the sum in a TUniDBGridColumn.....

    I will be using runtime buttons in a parent control and I would like to identify every one not just in the caption.....

  7. There will be 4 levels of forms and it seems the only solution is to generate and destroy every level and resolve my problem at creating and not showing the form...


    I need to figurate it in this way because when I will be in third level I will need to return previous level in the exact point. The same when I will be in fourth level.

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