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Posts posted by MarkB

  1. Dove in and found out the problem.

    Has to do with the two methods of TUniDBGrid 'H_OnExpandBody' and 'H_OnCollapseBody'

    The problem is the way the cName is being constructed in each such that the name of the Container in H_OnCollapseBody is not the same as the name constructed in H_OnExpandBody so when it tries to find the container to free it, it's not there.


      cName := Self.Name + '_' + Self.JSName + '_Row_' + IntToStr(Id);  // cName must be unique through the session


    cName := Self.Name + '_Row_' + IntToStr(Id);


    See the difference above.  I tried fixing the H_OnCollapseBody method to produce the right name, using this.JName paramenter and while it worked for that one collapse, after the fact all RowWidgets were broken and would not expand.

    This is really simple to see and reproduce, do you really need an example?

    • Upvote 1
  2. On 3/3/2020 at 10:51 AM, Sherzod said:
    function reconfigure(sender, store, columns, oldStore, oldColumns, eOpts)
        var widgetColIndx=1;
        columns[widgetColIndx].onWidgetAttach = function(column, widget, record) {
            widget.setDisabled(record.get(widgetColIndx) == "Blue Angelfish");


    Thanks.  This kind of works.  If a round trip is made to the server and all rows are returned it works.  But if you edit  the row and change the value to a valid state, the state of the button does not change.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Sherzod said:

    Please "draw" a third screenshot to understand what you want.

    I will tomorrow.  But I want the the child grid in the screenshot that says “Without ForceFit” to be the full width of the browser window.

  4. 1 hour ago, Sherzod said:

    Sorry, is this another question?

    Yes.  The plus minus button is not visible, but clicking on the first column where it used to be still responds to mouse clicks and it puts the whole row into edit mode.  I'd expect clicking on that empty space not to have it do anything.

  5. 43 minutes ago, Sherzod said:

    Please explain again.

    Take a look at the screen shots.

    The one that says "With ForceFit" the parent grid is set to have the columns take up the whole width of the screen and the child grid (RowWidget) like wise takes up the whole width.

    The one that says "Without ForceFit" the columns of the parent grid take up just as much space as the need but the Grid itself is the full width of the screen. The Child grid is only taking up the width to match the width of the parents columns, not the whole width of the grid.

  6. The RowWidget width seems constrained to the Width of it's container grid meaning it's only as wide up to the last column.

    How do I make the RowWidget Width to match the entire width of the container grid, not just up to the last row.

    If I force the owner Grid to ForceFit then the RowWidget takes the whole width, but this is not optimal as the owner Grid only has a few columns.

  7. Trying this again since last time the post failed somehow it failed.

    Is there a limit on how many RowWidget TUniDBGrids you can have.   I've got a Grid with 3 levels of nested Detail Grids.

    When I try to expand the 3rd level I get an error 'dbGirdQuestions_O1FB_Row_-1' is not a valid component name.



    It's failing in UniDBGrid in method 

    procedure TUniCustomDesktopDBGrid.H_OnExpandBody(This: TJSObject; EventName: string;
      Params: TUniStrings);

    at line

        cName := Self.Name + '_' + Self.JSName + '_Row_' + IntToStr(Id); 

    Because the IntToStr(ID) is -1


  8. 1 minute ago, Sherzod said:

    Can I connect to your PC?

    I can't right now.  It's 10 PM here.  I can see the routine when I view source of the page, but I can't figure out how to get to it to debug it.

    Maybe you could show a screen shot showing where in the Chrome Debugger I can get to it.

    FYI, I will be posting another topic having to do with Aligning Controls in a Detail Frame of the Row Widget Example.

  9. On 2/17/2020 at 2:29 PM, mikromundo said:

    Thanks for the comment.

    The RADCORE Project is a product that I sell in Brazil, but with some users in Kuwait, Mexico, Paraguay and the Dominican Republic.

    It is the result of a lot of work and research to deliver the result presented in the video.

    But the project is much more than just layout.

    Much more being developed.

    Super ACTIVE design.

    Several users with projects already being marketed as:

    - Vaccination Clinic System (Mr. TOMAS)
    - OPTICS system (under development - Mr. FÁBIO)
    - ERP migration (NAUTILUS System - Mr. Flávio Motta)
    - RadTICKET - Attendance Control (Mr. Flávio Motta)
            - RadTICKET Landing Page- (Mr. Flávio Motta)

    Know more:

    WHATSAPP: https://chat.whatsapp.com/FSqt24K73uz4qSwMWLWtm9
    TELEGRAM: https://t.me/projetoradcore

    If it's in English at some point and reasonably priced I'm sure to buy it.

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