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Everything posted by RafaelW

  1. I think, using css display: none; is better to hide forms
  2. Invalid email or password, even after redefine my password
  3. I need to create a form without showing, today when i do myform := TMyForm.Create(UniApplication)even without call myform.Show the form is showed it is possible ? Thanks unigui version
  4. What is advisable? Synchronous or Asynchronous mode with Unigui? Thanks!
  5. sorry, version:1.0.0 build 1397, edition professional complete
  6. Hello, i trying to implement a new component Edit with aside button.. And internally already implemented OnClick. But this OnClick method is never called. here is the code : for compile the PLUniPesquisa can be removed... And code of the internal button is here: unit PLUniSeekButton; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Controls, Buttons, Messages, Windows, Forms, Graphics, uniSpeedButton; type TPLUniSeekButton = class(TUniSpeedButton) public procedure Loaded; override; constructor Create( AOWner : TComponent ); override; published property AutoSize; end; implementation constructor TPLUniSeekButton.Create(AOWner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOWner); Name := AOWner.Name+'SubButton'; SetSubComponent(True); Hint := 'Pesquisar <F2>'; Height := 0; Width := 0; caption := '...'; end; procedure TPLUniSeekButton.Loaded; begin inherited; Name := Self.Owner.Name+'SubButton'; if (self.Hint = '') then self.Hint := 'Pesquisar <F2>'; caption := '...'; end; end. Thanks for any help!
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