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  1. I need help solving a problem in uniDbGrid. The situation is as follows: I have a connection to the MongoDB database. For data access, I use the TFDMongoQuery connection component of the NoDQL FireDAC palette. And, to fill the uniDbGrid I use the following code: DsList.DataSet: = FQuery1.FieldByName ('List') as TDataSetField) .NestedDataSet DsList is the binding datasource. The List field is the embedded collection containing the fields "CODIGO" and "TIPO". In uniDbGrid it appears only in a cell the information like this: (Informatica; A). Image : https://1drv.ms/i/s!AuA39KvjJNR7hV-qdMM4ul6m_UIq In the DBGrid of the VCL the fields appear normally. CODIGO TIPO Informática A How to solve ?
  2. But I want to use the gray theme and does not allow Unigui.
  3. Now has another problem. I can not apply the themes that comes in the trial, as "gray", for example. When I click the theme, it is the only default the check box. Is there some setting to release these issues?
  4. I'm using version But I do not know how to put the theme.
  5. How do I change the look of form and leave the same as Windows 10 ?
  6. How do I get the checkbox certificate the browser to appear? I've already set the sslvrfailIfNopeerCert = True ssl mode, but does not ask the client certificate. The browser opens directly.
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