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Posts posted by efkenis

  1. Here is all the details:

    I used XAMPP to install apache. Seems to be the easiest way.

    This is what I have in httpd.conf

    my application dll is xm.dll

    I access is like this or

    my applications is in C:\xampp\xm

    my extjs is in C:\xampp\ext-3.3.0

    In UniGUIServerModuleCreate I have this and is very important for the dll build



    Alias /xm c:/xampp/xm/

    <Directory "c:/xampp/xm/">

    AllowOverride None

    Options ExecCGI

    Order allow,deny

    Allow from all

    # SSLREquireSSL


    <IfModule dir_module>

    DirectoryIndex index.php index.php4 index.php3 index.cgi index.pl index.html index.htm index.shtml xm.dll index.phtml


  2. When I had the same issue it all came down to the location of ext-3.3.0 and any custom scripts I may have included. Also make sure you use the ext-3.3.0 that came with the beta you are using. Your apache alias and directory seems to be correct. Also I found out that the DLL did not like absolute paths like c:\ext-3.3.0 but ..\ext-3.3.0 work for me.

  3. I m going to guess that your testapp can not locate ext-3.3.0 directory. Try this when you build the dll

    procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);


    extroot:='..\ext-3.3.0'; <==add this for the dll build



    on your server you should have a



  4. What windows flavor (version) should Apache be installed on in a production environment? Would Windows 7 be enough or some Windows Server be preferred. This will only be a web server with no database on it. Data will be on another server. Traffic will be at max 50 users at a time. Those experienced with Apache please share your thoughts.


  5. After terminating an application we get the Session Terminated Restart application message. Clicking to restart completely ignores the parameters which is a problem.

    I tried to adjust the TerminateTemplate to fix this but I have a hard time getting the orignal start url with port number and parameters.

    I m looking for way to get the complete URL.

    Thank you

  6. Is there a way to get the current URL the UniURLframe is displaying?

    For example the starting URL is google.com. After that the user may navigate anywhere. I need to examine the current url and retrieve information from it. This is very important to me as the other url creates a record id and it is embedded in the starting url as a param.

    Thank you

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