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Everything posted by efkenis

  1. Is it possible to have multiple resources/rooms next to each other. You can add calendars to the calendar panel but can only see one at time. There is a post from DelphiDude that displays exactly what I want. How was it done? http://fmprime.com/ipbuploads/monthly_12_2015/post-980-0-40819400-1449871516.png
  2. Is anyone here targeting mobile phones with UniGui? What is the official stance of the framework and all the mobile devices out there?
  3. Any one knows how to start the UniCalendarPanel in day View instead of Month View? Thanks
  4. efkenis

    Alert Box

    Left and right give ajax error Invalid argument: AlertBox.show("Left Dock", "This came from the left!", "warning", {dock: "left"}); Works on Chrome
  5. Can we place TDataSource and TDataSet (TQuery etc.) on the form itself or must these always reside in UniMainModule ? I m not looking for a design lesson but more like if you put it on a form things will blow up because...
  6. Here is all the details: I used XAMPP to install apache. Seems to be the easiest way. This is what I have in httpd.conf my application dll is xm.dll I access is like this or my applications is in C:\xampp\xm my extjs is in C:\xampp\ext-3.3.0 In UniGUIServerModuleCreate I have this and is very important for the dll build extroot:='..\ext-3.3.0'; Alias /xm c:/xampp/xm/ <Directory "c:/xampp/xm/"> AllowOverride None Options ExecCGI Order allow,deny Allow from all # SSLREquireSSL </Directory> <IfModule dir_module> DirectoryIndex index.php index.php4 index.php3 index.cgi index.pl index.html index.htm index.shtml xm.dll index.phtml </IfModule>
  7. When I had the same issue it all came down to the location of ext-3.3.0 and any custom scripts I may have included. Also make sure you use the ext-3.3.0 that came with the beta you are using. Your apache alias and directory seems to be correct. Also I found out that the DLL did not like absolute paths like c:\ext-3.3.0 but ..\ext-3.3.0 work for me.
  8. I m going to guess that your testapp can not locate ext-3.3.0 directory. Try this when you build the dll procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleCreate(Sender: TObject); begin extroot:='..\ext-3.3.0'; <==add this for the dll build end; on your server you should have a c:\testapp c:\ext-3.3.0
  9. What windows flavor (version) should Apache be installed on in a production environment? Would Windows 7 be enough or some Windows Server be preferred. This will only be a web server with no database on it. Data will be on another server. Traffic will be at max 50 users at a time. Those experienced with Apache please share your thoughts. Thanks
  10. After terminating an application we get the Session Terminated Restart application message. Clicking to restart completely ignores the parameters which is a problem. I tried to adjust the TerminateTemplate to fix this but I have a hard time getting the orignal start url with port number and parameters. I m looking for way to get the complete URL. Thank you
  11. Is there a way to get the current URL the UniURLframe is displaying? For example the starting URL is google.com. After that the user may navigate anywhere. I need to examine the current url and retrieve information from it. This is very important to me as the other url creates a record id and it is embedded in the starting url as a param. Thank you
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