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  1. Hello, I work with Delphi and I am new to UniGui, I ask for your help to know the best way to carry out this implementation. I have 2 forms, FormA and FormB. All 2 are created at the same time. FormA calls a function that is located in FormB, and with the value it returns it does another process: FormA Code: procedure TFrameDiagnosticos.UniBitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); var idDx : Integer; begin idDx := frmbuscadorgenerico1.buscadorgenerico1('CIE9_DETRIPS', 'ID_CIE9', 'COD_CIE9', 'DES_CIE9'); DmDiagnosticos.abrir_diagnostico(0, idDx); UniEdit1.Text := DmDiagnosticos.q_DxPpal.FieldByName('Cod_Cie9').AsString; end; FormB Code: function Tfrmbuscadorgenerico1.buscadorgenerico1(const tabla, id, codigo, descripcion: string): integer; begin UniDBGrid1.Columns[0].FieldName := codigo; UniDBGrid1.Columns[1].FieldName := descripcion; UniQuery1.Close; UniQuery1.SQL.Clear; UniQuery1.SQL.Add(Format('Select %s, %s, %s From %s Where %s||%s ', [id, codigo, descripcion, tabla, codigo, descripcion])); UniQuery1.SQL.Add(''); frmbuscadorgenerico1.ShowModalN; if UniQuery1.IsEmpty then result := -1 else Result := UniQuery1.Fields[0].AsInteger; end; If I use this same code in Delphi without Unigui, when I call the function of form2, form2 is displayed, and when it is closed it returns a value. This same code in UniGui works differently, it's called the function but the program goes on and the variable I need never has a valid value. Thanks a lot.
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