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Stéphane J.

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  1. We can't connect to FMSoft Customer Portal with the email / password of Bruno to add me as subscriber. A popup message appears : "Invalid email or password"
  2. I copied this topic to a new topic (with the same title) under the user Bruno65. I attached some files. How can i closed this topic ?
  3. Okay my project manager Bruno will add my email address ASAP
  4. Professional Edition only for Desktop Web Applications. I work with Bruno from infodidac.be
  5. when the user clicks on the title button (column headings) in a UnidbGrid a drop down menu appears where the user can "sort ascending", "sort descending" and "columns" and then choose which columns to display etc i use our own component TIUMGrid = class(TUniDBGrid) where the ColumnsChanged property from TUniBasicGrid with the new scope published. In a project designer we added client events with ExtEvents for 2 new checkboxes (Sort and Filter) that appear in the drop down menu on the title button (of each column headings). But when clicking on checkbox "Tri" (Sort) "columns" in the drop down menu becomes invisible and will never be visible again. The needed instruction code (in OnAjaxEvent server event) below is responsible of that behavior : IUMGrid1.ColumnsChanged := true; How can i fix this bug ? Is it possible to add a very small zip files project to this topic (it will be more explicit) ? This issue appears since we use the version 1.90 of uniGUI. In the past with version 0.9 of uniGUI it worked well.
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