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Everything posted by erich.wanker

  1. hello, i have [ ZConnection - ZQuery - DataSource - uniDBGrid ] to a firebird SQL Database.. i try to draw two different Images in the grid if a value is "0" or "1" in field "IMAGE_TEXT" of type char(200) i tryed out: procedure UniDBGrid3DrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Column: TUniDBGridColumn; Attribs: TUniCellAttribs); begin if column.FieldName ='IMAGE_TEXT' then begin if column.Field.Text ='0' then column.Field.Text:='<img width=16 height=16 src="images/a.png"/>'; if column.Field.Text ='1' then column.Field.Text:='<img width=16 height=16 src="images/b.png"/>'; end; but it allways wants to edit the database - or makes errors .... or whats the right way to realise this ? Thank you for your help. Erich
  2. Hello uniGUi-Forum, On my UniFrame are different UniPanels, and i want to add extEvent to all panels at runtime.. but i get an error .. what must i correct in my code? thanks for help Erich ... type TUniFrame3 = class(TUniFrame) ... var UniFrame3: TUniFrame3; ... uses main; ... procedure TUniFrame3.UniSpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject);var i:Integer; begin for i:=0 to UniFrame3.ComponentCount-1 do begin if UniFrame3.Components[i].ClassName= 'TUniPanel' then begin if (UniFrame3.Components[i] as TUniPanel).Tag = 1 then begin (UniFrame3.Components[i] as TUniPanel).ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add ('OnMouseout=function Onmouseout(sender) { sender.body.applyStyles("background-color:#3d3d3d");}'); (UniFrame3.Components[i] as TUniPanel).ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add ('Onmouseover=function Onmouseover(sender) {sender.body.applyStyles("background-color:#FF8000");}'); end; end; end; end; i played a little bit but following changes didn´t solve my problem... function UniFrame3: TUniFrame3; ... function UniFrame3: TUniFrame3; begin Result := TUniFrame3(UniMainModule.GetFormInstance(TUniFrame3)); end; ..produces a "Owner Form not found.."
  3. hello, can anyone explain me how to use webfonts with unigui ? i want to use Google font: Open Sans thank you and nice greetings Erich
  4. Google deliveres a lot of webfonts to developers : http://www.google.com/fonts/ and Google creates Javascript code to use the selected font: <script type="text/javascript"> WebFontConfig = { google: { families: [ 'Roboto+Slab::latin' ] } }; (function() { var wf = document.createElement('script'); wf.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https' : 'http') + '://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/webfont/1/webfont.js'; wf.type = 'text/javascript'; wf.async = 'true'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(wf, s); })(); </script> How can i use different webfonts with DelphiXE3 and uniGUI Thanks for helping Erich P.S.: ...and another logistic-question: what is the best way to create a multilanguage project ... Thanks for suggestions
  5. Hello estrify , thank you very much :-) .. works fine.
  6. Hello i have a problem to understand the ajax thing with delphi ... i am searching a small ajax demo for following situation: Project1.dll: 1 x Mainform 1 x uniEdit 1 x uniLabel 1 x Button Project2.dll: just a procedure which takes a string and adds "abc" to the string... if i enter in uniedit a string and click the button, the value should send to project2.dll and after the procedure of project2.dll is finished - the unilabel of project1.dll should show the manipulated string Thanks for helping Erich
  7. Hello how can i set opacity in UniPanel? i tried out: ClientEvents / ExtEvents: UniFrame1.UniPanel1.style.opacity=0.8; UniFrame1.uniPanel1.style.opacity="0.8"; UniFrame1.UniPanel1.setValue('opacity="0.8"'); sender.style.opacity=0.8; sender.style.opacity="0.8"; sender.setValue('opacity="0.8"'); but doesn´t work .. AND: in ExtEvemts "OnCreate" doesn´t exist - where can i place the code optimal, i now use "OnMousemove" .. Thank you Erich
  8. hi how can i get the x and y values of a extevent into delphi? in MainForm.unipanel.clientEventOnMouseMove: i search something like: procedure MainForm.unipanel.clientEventOnMouseMoveValueChange(Sender:Tobject); begin if unipanel.clientEvent.extevent.onmousemove.x > 500 then .... is there a way to get the values? thank you erich
  9. erich.wanker


    Hello peoples, i have a little problem with TUniImage the "TUniImage.bringToFront" procedure is not working .. how can i fix this ? And a other question: how can i move a small image per mouse - i find no "onMouseMove" value in uniPanel or somewhere else .. Meaning and purpose: i want to move small images on a UniPanel mouse down on a Image move the image mouse up .. and if i click on an image i want to set the "bringToFron" or z-order .. Thank you Erich
  10. sorry for my poor description .. my issue: i want to change the color of panels, if the mouse is over the panel or leaves the panel. - but the panel flickers between the 2 colors if the mouse moves over the childcomponents of a panel.. as example: i have 10 panels, on every panel are uniEdit uniLabel ect.. components ... if i move the mouse over the screen, the panels are flickering 100 times or more becouse the onMouseleave Event is allways send, wenn the mouse is over a component .. i just want to "hover" the panel, if the mouse is in the panel rectangle - no matter which childcomponent of the unipanel Thank you Erich
  11. Hi , i user uniPanel - OnMouseEnter / OnMouseLeave Events to change color and size .. procedure TMainForm.meinPanelsEnter(Sender: TObject); begin (sender as Tunipanel).Color:=clgray; (sender as Tunipanel).Height:=(100); unipanel3.ReCalculateAligns; end; procedure TMainForm.meinPanelsLeave(Sender: TObject); begin (sender as Tunipanel).Color:=clsilver; (sender as Tunipanel).Height:=(52); unipanel3.ReCalculateAligns; end; but if the panel has a lot of child-components (uniEdit,uniLabel ..) the "onMouseLeave" event wil be send (correctly) .. How can i tell the unipanel not to change the color then i move the mouse over childcomponents of the panel ? thank you Erich
  12. Hello peoples, i have a little question: in TUniMainModule i hve my querys.. procedure TUniMainModule.ZQuery2AfterScroll(DataSet: TDataSet); begin UniMainModule.ZQuery3.SQL.Clear; UniMainModule.ZQuery3.SQL.Append('SELECT * FROM DB_TAETIGKEIT'); UniMainModule.ZQuery3.Active:=true; main.MainForm.erzeugePanel; end; and in TMainForm i have the panel-create thing... var meinpanel:TUniPanel; procedure TMainForm.erzeugePanel; var i:Integer; begin while not UniMainModule.ZQuery3.Eof do begin i:= UniMainModule.ZQuery3.FieldByName('INR').AsInteger; meinpanel:=TUniPanel.Create(self); meinpanel.Parent:=unipanel3; meinpanel.Caption:='ID: '+inttostr(i); meinpanel.Align:=alTop; meinpanel.Height:=12; meinpanel.Tag:=i; meinpanel.OnClick:=meinPanelsClick; UniMainModule.ZQuery3.Next; end; //eof end; if i start the webapp i get a lot of errors ... please have a look at the attached image how can i solve this? Thank you Erich
  13. Hi, all Browsers make a break for loading javascripts - and all modern browsers can handle the "defer" function - a very cool funktion nobody knows to reduce loading time and startup ;-) .. My testapp project1.dll generates html code... <script src= ... ext-all.js> how can i add defer="defer" to the lines i use "defer" to reduce the loading time - because the page does not wait till the js are all loaded .. Thanks for helping Erich
  14. Hello How can i read value1 and value2 from URL-parameters Example: www.domain.com/Project1.dll?value1=123&value2=456 Thanks erich
  15. Hi uniGuiForum, i have a little question i want to slide-out a uniPanel by clicking on a button (unipanel1.left:=unipanel1.left +1 and so on ) if i use a timer - the unipanel moves too slowly and if i user a higher value to increase the left property of the panel it looks flickered .. if i use a "while not" loop the unipanel ist not repainted in the browser .. has anyone a idea how i can slide a panel smoothly out of the screenarea by clicking on a button ? Thank you erich
  16. Hello short question .. i have a unigui isalp "project1.dll" with a standard form methode post i will send values to the dll the dll should not restart .. just a "event" shoud start (Ajax ???) and the isapi-application writes the values in a memo .. <form action="www.test.com/project1.dll" method="post" accept-charset="ISO-8859-1"> <p>Name:<br> <input name="AnwenderName" size="40"></p> <p>E-Mail:<br> <input name="AnwenderMail" size="40"></p> <p>Text:<br> <textarea name="Text" rows="5" cols="50"></textarea></p> <p><input type="submit" value="Formulardaten absenden"></p> </form> how can i read the values ? i try out: procedure TMainForm.UniFormAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TStrings); var j:integer; begin for j := 1 to Params.Count do begin unimemo2.Lines.Append('Values:'+inttostr(j)+' '+Params[j]); end; end; or unimemo2.Lines.Append('Values: '+uniapplication.Parameters.Values['test']); but doesnt work ... thank you Erich
  17. hello uniGUI Delphianer, hello Farshad Mohajeri, i am testing a userinterface made with unigui... here is my small sample: it works fine on smartphone, tablets and desktop Systems.. it changes the size of orientation if you turn a tabletPC and resizes the buttons (small device=biiig buttons / big device = smaller buttons but more ;-) ) i think, i made it a litte bit "tricky" .. is there a demo or someting else to see how other people make a device-indipendent/autofit-userinterface? thanks for response... erich p.s.: to change the buttonsize is no problem .. to change the fontsize is harder (css..) is there a suggestion ?
  18. Hello uniGUI Team, hello Farshad Mohajeri, nice regards from austria / salzburg http://goo.gl/maps/HrH36 i have a question: Situation: on mainForm one UniTabSheet with 2 Pages: Page 1 -> one UniStringGrid (colCount =8 rowCount = 200) Page 2 ->one UniButton1 UniButton1Click: procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var x,y:Integer; begin for x:= 0 to UniStringGrid1.ColCount do begin for y:= 0 to UniStringGrid1.RowCount do begin UniStringGrid1.cells[x,y]:=''+inttostr(y)+'-'+inttostr(x); end; end; end; when i test this on my fast mobilePhone (via WLAN to the Win8/IIS8/Testserver ) - it takes minutes since the App respond ... on a pc it keep up in under a second i think, the Mobile waits for something .. ajax synch or something else ... is there a setting or a function befor/after to call or something to do? thanx Erich
  19. Just set mfPage only .. please take a look at the attached image... UniServerModule1: MainFormDisplayMode = mfPage thanks erich
  20. Hi, is it possible to make the mainform fullscreen without border and round corners .. i set: UniServerModule1: MainFormDisplayMode = mfPage MainForm: BorderStyle = bsNone WindowState = wsMaximized but it shows border and round corners.. also if i resize the browser - the size is not allways wsMaximized (.. sometimes it makes space for a not used scrollbar) a little screenshot is attached ... And: how can i display a form on a smartphone correctly ? the settings above are not useable .. the WindowState = wsMaximized makes the form to big and the font to small.. is there a way to make a solution ? Thank you erich
  21. Hello, i try to create a form with a fix width of 480 and a fix height of 820 pixel - so the form is "fixed" to the width of a mobileDeviceScreen and can be scrolled just in the height .. i tryed a lot of things but can not realise this .. and i get allways 1024 x 768 as screenresolution .. doesnt matter witch device thanks for helping erich x:=screen.WorkAreaWidth; y:=screen.WorkAreaHeight; unimemo1.Lines.Append('Workarea:'+inttostr(x)+' '+inttostr(y)); x:=screen.Width; y:=screen.Height; unimemo1.Lines.Append('Screen: '+inttostr(x)+' '+inttostr(y)); UniApplication.SetScreenWH(480,640);
  22. Hello , I have downloaded following files on Win7 64 bit: fmsoft_unigui_beta_0.09.0.976_setup.exe fmsoft_unigui_extjs_0.09.0.976_setup.exe radstudio_xe3_upd1_win_esd.zip I installed Radstudio xe3 the i installed the 2 fmsoft setups.. now i have on my HDD c:\programme (x86)\embarcadero\Rad Studio\10.0... c:\programme (x86)\Fmsoft\Framewortk\uniGUI c:\programme (x86)\Fmsoft\Framewortk\uniTools if i start Delphi XE3 i see nothing about FMSoft ? What must i do now ? .. Can anyone please help Thanx Erich
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