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Everything posted by erich.wanker

  1. Hello duser, thanx .. now the error didn't come ... but (sorry) i get always "0" as value .. i can scroll up and down - always "0" ... any suggestions ? Thank you Erich
  2. Hello duser ...:-) thank you very very much for your help . i have a litte Problem with the ajaxEvent ... it would be very nice if you can take an eye on following code :-) the html code of the scrollbox: O20=new Ext.Panel({id:"O20_id",layout:"absolute",bodyBorder:false,header:false,border:0,width:800,height:2000,x:0,y:0,autoScroll:true,bodyStyle: "background-color:#C0C0C0",style:"border:none;"});O20.nm="O20";_cdo_("hauptscrollBox",O20,null,MainForm);O10.add(O20); Browser debugging text 1: ajaxRequest (O7A,'scrollboxTop', ['Top='+document.getElementById("O20_id-body").ScrollTop]); Browser debugging text 2: Ajax=1&IsEvent=1&Obj=O7A&Evt=click&This=O7A&E=undefined&_S_ID=RGf8YKY7deYcLv8&_seq_=4 the OnClick code: procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin // Here should be only a line of code: UniSession.AddJS ('ajaxRequest (' + UniButton1.JSName + ',''scrollboxTop'', [''Top=''+document.getElementById("'+hauptscrollbox.JSName+'_id-body").ScrollTop]);' ); end; the AjaxEvent code: procedure TMainForm.UniButton1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TStrings); begin // All logic, onclick button if (EventName = 'scrollboxTop') Then begin //ShowMessage(Params.Values['Top']); unimainmodule.scrTop := StrToInt(Params.Values['Top']); ShowMessage(IntToStr(unimainmodule.scrTop)); end; end; thnak you very much for your engage nice greetings from Salzburg Erich
  3. Can anyone tell me, how i can use this information ... the value of scrollTOP is the value i need (i hope) .. my uniScrollbox is named: "hauptscrollbox" and it is on my MainForm how can i do this in delphi ?
  4. Hello. Semper, thanx for your answer... with the suggested script, i can scroll the Scrollbox .. BUT i need the possition of the scrollable area IN the scrollbox ;-) As example: Mainform with uniScollbox1.align = alClient in the uniScrollbox1 - i have a uniPanel.height:= 3000; (top and left are 0 referenced to the scrollbox in uniPanel i have a uniButto. If i want to showmodal a small form on the left side of the uniButton - i need the coordinate of the Button myUniForm.top:= uniScrollbox1.top + uniButton1.top + uniButton1.height is WRONG... this works just correct, if the scrollbox is scrolled to the top ... i must subtract the scroled area ... but where can i find the value ? Thanx
  5. Hello, a litte problem in WebMode ;-) i need the height of the top-located "not visible area" of the scrollbox, when i scroll down .. As Example: If i scroll 200 Pixles in the Scrollbox down - where can i find the value "200" ?
  6. Hello, i want to change the "*.dll" suffix to "*.portal" of the compiled uniGUI ISAPI-WebApplication .. in Apache - no problem to Configurate a "AddHandler isapi-handler .portal" Butt the ISAPI-WEB -DLL doesnt work after renaming ? Any Sugestions - what i must change additional ? thankX
  7. the load and initialisation - process of a uniDBGrid is (concerning on the multiplicity of funktions..) very high and slow.. i think, a slimmed down uniDBGrid will be a interessting thing :-) no title, no rowmove no columResize no indicator no recordnumber no edit .. no columnSummary no OnDrawColumnCell .. Like a uniDBLookUpListBox with more columns Thanks for notice :-) Erich
  8. Hello, can anyone help me with the Suggestion of Oliver ? i search a piece of javascript and the step´s how to implement it to close a ShowModal Form by clicking on the "x-mask" div element ... Thank you
  9. Hello Liriano, if i use "afterScroll" - the performance is higher ( ca 25 %) and i can use more complex SQL-Statements with station_id, user_id .. and some other informations .. a fix relation is not given in some situations as a small example: show all contracts from person_1 and allso all contracts where the actual user has 25% participation .. i think - the "afterScroll"-Event is the right place for such SQL-Statements Nice Greerings from the hot (29 Degree celsius) Salzburgerland :-)
  10. ... now i use (to communicate with a frame in a frame) ((main.MainForm.FCurrentFrame1 as Tframe_vertragsverwaltung).FCurrentFrame1 as tframe_vertraege).my_component_name ...
  11. Hello Farshad Mohajeri, thank you for your replay. First of all: Thank you for your great work ! As a Delphi-programmer, i am realy grateful in your efforts with uniGUI ! @AfterScroll: in my Test-Application, i display different input-frames depending on the recordtype. for this, i use "insertFrame" on "AfterScroll" ... First i thought, i made a mistake by creating the frames - but it was the 4-times creating in short time, which was called in the "AfterScroll" Event... For me, it would be nice - when the "AfterScroll" -Event would be send just 1 timer. Thank You Erich
  12. Hello, in Webmode - the TUniMainModule.OBJEKTAfterScroll - Message ist send multi times.. Is it a bug or did i something wrong ? i have 3 tabel and 3 grids - every table has a "afterScroll".. If you select a row in PERSON : TUniMainModule.PERSON AfterScroll -> SELECT * FROM VERTRAG TUniMainModule.VERTRAG AfterScroll -> SELECT * FROM OBJEKT TUniMainModule.OBJEKT AfterScroll -> uniMEMO.lines.append - 4 Events will be create ! Please have a look at the attached images of a small demo - i named the images with informations. i have: Main Mainmodule Servermodule Main: implementation {$R *.dfm} uses uniGUIVars, MainModule, uniGUIApplication,ServerModule; function MainForm: TMainForm; begin Result := TMainForm(UniMainModule.GetFormInstance(TMainForm)); end; procedure TMainForm.UniFormShow(Sender: TObject); begin UniMainModule.ZConnection1.Connect; UniMainModule.PERSON.SQL.Clear; UniMainModule.PERSON.SQL.add('SELECT * FROM PERSON '); UniMainModule.PERSON.Open; end; initialization RegisterMainFormClass(TMainForm); end. Mainmodule: implementation {$R *.dfm} uses UniGUIVars, ServerModule, uniGUIApplication, main; function UniMainModule: TUniMainModule; begin Result := TUniMainModule(UniApplication.UniMainModule) end; procedure TUniMainModule.OBJEKTAfterScroll(DataSet: TDataSet); begin main.MainForm.UniMemo1.Lines.Append(timetostr(now)); end; procedure TUniMainModule.PERSONAfterScroll(DataSet: TDataSet); begin VERTRAG.SQL.Clear; VERTRAG.SQL.add('SELECT * FROM VERTRAG WHERE ID_PERSON = '+PERSON.fieldbyName('ID_PERSON').AsString); VERTRAG.Open; end; procedure TUniMainModule.VERTRAGAfterScroll(DataSet: TDataSet); begin if (VERTRAG.RecordCount > 0) then begin OBJEKT.SQL.Clear; OBJEKT.SQL.add('SELECT * FROM OBJEKT WHERE ID_VERTRAG = '+VERTRAG.fieldbyName('ID_VERTRAG').AsString); OBJEKT.Open; end else begin OBJEKT.SQL.Clear; OBJEKT.SQL.add('SELECT * FROM OBJEKT WHERE ID_VERTRAG = -1'); OBJEKT.Open; end; end; initialization RegisterMainModuleClass(TUniMainModule); end. Servermodule: implementation {$R *.dfm} uses UniGUIVars, mainmodule; function UniServerModule: TUniServerModule; begin Result:=TUniServerModule(UniGUIServerInstance); end; procedure TUniServerModule.FirstInit; begin InitServerModule(Self); end; initialization RegisterServerModuleClass(TUniServerModule); end.
  13. As Example: How can i do: MainModule.Query_A.afterScroll - change size and caption of a unipanel which is situated in a frame Temporary, i have a uniTimer in the Frame. the Timer reads the recordnumber of MainModule.Query_A if recordnumber is changed - i start my funktions and procedures depending on the new Record ..but this is terrible ;-) .. i use "InsertFrame-Procedure" of uniGui-MegaDemo to load frames when i need it
  14. it would be nice to have this values in Webmode
  15. Hello, nice to have: OnClick
  16. Hello, i have a litte problem with uniPopup: in Mainform i load a uniFrame1 - in uniFrame 1 i load uniFrame2 - and here i have a button. How can i calculate the position of uniPopup to show the Popup(X,Y) under the Button ? i Tryed out "clienttoscreen" .. but get always the wrong coordinate i tryed out to get the values (left top width height) of the frames but get error "OwnerForm not found" o tryed out owner and ownerform but get not the right ccordinate And suggestion ? Thanks Erich
  17. Hello, a small question: if i use: ShellExecute(handle,'open', PChar(UniServerModule.TempFolderPath+'\vprint.exe'),PChar(reportname), nil, sw_show); - it gives me sometimes a error: Session timed out or invalide if i start again - it works for 50- 100 times - when the error comes again ... does anyone know what i can do ? ThanX Erich
  18. hello, has anyone a trick to close a showmodal-form by clicking beside the form ? like a popup .. if it is visible and i click somewhere - the popup will be closed.. i open the form per: tUniForm.ShowModal; thanks for suggestions :-)
  19. if i use at runtime: button.onClick: unipanel.font.color:=$00f0f0f0; i tryed refresh i tryed changing Caption .. nothing happens .. is it not implemented or must i use something different ? Thanx for Infos
  20. ..its not the right way :-( if i change the values, it changes also the visible style of a Combobox and so on .....
  21. ..ok ... found it :-) editor - open ext-all-gray.css search "x-message"
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