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Posts posted by jmonty77

  1. Hello, I've realised that this happens when there's httpcommand event in server:

    procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleHTTPCommand(
      ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo;
      var Handled: Boolean);

    The code can be empty. If I remove this event, error 401 is gone.

    I tested it with a new project and only putting a timer in mainform. maxrequest=1



  2. Hello,

    When serverlimits.maxrequests is reached, why I get 401 response in browser?

    Documentation says "it will keep the incoming requests waiting until the number of pending requests falls below the maximum value"

    I expect that /handleevent request would be queued until prior requests are processed.

    Thanks in advance


  3. Hello, create new project and put unilabel and unitimer. In unitimertimer:

    procedure TMainForm.UniTimer1Timer(Sender: TObject);

    In servermessages.invalidsessionmessagetemplate:

    <body bgcolor="#dfe8f6">
             console.log('load event');

    <p style="text-align:center;color:#0000A0">[###message###]</p>
    <p style="text-align:center;color:#A05050"><a href="[###url###]">Restart application</a></p>


    Stop the server for some seconds to see some POST error messages in javascript console.

    Start server again and you will see lot of "load event" messages in javascript console.

    I think that "Restart application" page would have to be loaded only once.

    (I'm using ISAPI module)


  4. Hello, I want to have connectionfailurerecovery enabled. But after loading first invalidsessiontemplate, why the system continues trying to do post?

    If the server hangs, and if I have hundreds of clients, after starting it again some time later, it will receive hundred or thousands of queued post.

    Is there a way of stopping next requests after loading first invalidsessiontemplate page?



  5. I've a simple page with a single unitimer.

    When I stop server, I get

    POST https://localhost/invalidsession.dll/HandleEvent net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

    every few seconds in console. It's ok.

    But when I start server again, the page is loaded again for every post that failed. I can see it with a console.log in invalidsession template:

    <body bgcolor="#dfe8f6">

    <p style="text-align:center;color:#0000A0">[###message###]</p>
    <p style="text-align:center;color:#A05050"><a href="[###url###]">Restart application</a></p>


    If the server is stopped some minutes, hundred invalidsession are fired after starting it. How to stop it at first invalid session?





  6. He can launch the application later reloading the page manually, or clicking in "restart application", but If I kill his current session I don't want he can reenter in my system automatically.

    But If I disable "restartsessionontimeout", then if I must restart server, I lose all my clients until users manually start new session.


  7. Hello, is there any way to capture invalid session and send a custom response to client?

    In my server i need to terminate some sessions that must not automatically reload to main page when I kill them, but I want that if I restart server, and invalid session occurs, all clients automatically reload.



  8. Hello, where to find if a new version is released and the change log? Sometimes I find new releases in customer portal, but I don't know if it is really worth having.

  9. In carousel, I need to move to a new page by code.

    The server side funcion slides without animation. So, I've tried

     unimcar.JSInterface.JSCall('setActiveItem',[2, 'slide']);

    But it changes to new page without animation effect. Is there a way to animate this action?



  10. I've this configuration. But talking about killing a session manually, it can be done?

    What does "SessionManager.Sessions.PurgeSessionById(SessionId)"? I 've not found documentation, but this terminates a session when i try in my development server.

    What situation can make that after calling this function, sessionid is still listed in session list forever?

  11. In a local network, when I detect a new session with same IP of another one that already exists, i want to close this older one.

    I don't know from where came this older sessions, because my customer says that only one browser window is open at a time. And I see in logs that this sessions are not executing code anymore. They are listed, but cannot be freed.

    My server is in a local network where clients modify their IP periodically, if it helps.


  12. Hello, what is the proper way of closing a session?

    I've tried:





    All this functions works in my developer server, but I've a production server where some sessions cannot be closed.

    After calling this functions, I see that the mainmodule is not destroyed and if I list the sessions, I still can see that session:

         for I := 0 to self.SessionManager.Sessions.SessionList.Count - 1 do


    I'm using an old version of unigui ( May be is it solved in current version?


    Thank you






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