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Everything posted by bahry

  1. Hi, Is there a way to keep the slash mask ' / / ' in the TUniDateTimePicker so the user does need to type it while entering the date and to keep the : in the time field ' : : '. if the user types 01032017 which suppose to be 01/03/2017 with a date format dd/mm/yyyy on exit it will be 03/01/2017 Regards
  2. Dear Mohammad, Very Thanks.
  3. Dear Farshad, I would like to suggest if you can make a new section in the forum for [Components] each component has its own section, in this case all related topics for each component in its own, and keeps the general section for general questions about UniGui. I think "day by day" we will have a complete knowledge base for all components. Regards to All Bahry
  4. Hi, Is there anyway I can limit the number of Characters entered in the UniMemo some thing like Maxlength ? and how can I display the remaining Characters? Regards
  5. Dear Mohammad, Very Thanks, never mind as long as it is working now, I will check it later to learn from my mistake. Best Regards
  6. Hi, I think the problem from my side, when I create another frame and using the same procedures it works, so I used the new one, but till now I couldn't get the reason why it's not working in the first one. Best Regards
  7. Hi, I used it and it changes the font color, but I need to change the back color, and let the user changed the Back color according to choosed Calendar Regards
  8. Hi, Actually I copy the CalendarPanel from the example and also copied the CSS and put it in UniServerModule -> CustomCSS: but nothing changed, and the background remained white and even the fonts is white. Regards
  9. Hi, How can I change the event back color, like the attached picture. Regards
  10. Dear Mohammad, Very Thanks. Regards
  11. Dea Mohammad, Yes that's true, but I need to put a logout button when the user press it, it will terminate it's session and direct him to the "Lets say" company main Page. Regards
  12. Hi, in Intraweb we can terminate the App and redirect the connection WebApplication.TerminateAndRedirect('http://') is there any similar procedure in UniGui? Regards
  13. Very Thanks Mohammad, it looks very greate
  14. Dear Mohammad, Thanks a lot, I appreciate your help. Regards Bahry
  15. I copied the same code to a new project with default theme and it works fine, but if I change the theme to lets say win 10 it will not work the background color will take the theme color. Regards
  16. The above code from my testing project, and it does not work. Regards
  17. Hi, Am trying to change the background color of "TUniMenuButton" without success I've seen the following link http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/5861-change-background-color-button-solved/ and I have made the same steps the name of the control is btnTest in the ExtEvents: function added(sender, container, pos, eOpts) { sender.addCls('bntTest'); } in the UniEvents: function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.cls="bntTest"; } in ServerModule CustomCSS: .bntTest { background:#1892d1 !important; color:#fff !important; -webkit-transition: background 0.5s ease-in-out; transition: background 0.5s ease-in-out; } .bntTest:hover { background:#828282 !important; -webkit-transition: background 0.5s ease-in-out; transition: background 0.5s ease-in-out; } Is the above code correct or do I have to make any changes. Regards
  18. Very nice and the price is Competitive, but does this price includes upgraded Ext JS versions like ver 5 ?
  19. Dear Farshad, I didn't install the one which comes with UniGui, I kept the SynEdit package wich came with CGDevTools, Is there a work around ?
  20. Hi, After installing CGDevTools, I become not able to install UniGui. " latest version 95.0.1044 With Delphi XE5" - SynEdit_R2015 compiled OK. - SynEdit_D2015 compiled OK, but when I try to install it gives me an Error Can't load package SynEdit_R2015 it contains unit SynUsp10 which is also contained in package SynEdit_RX5 - In package uniGui19vcl I removed the SynEdit_R2015 from requires and the XE5 compiler replace it with SynEdit_RX5 . - Package uniGui19dcl compiled ok but when I try to install, it gives me the error: 'Unit uniXSyntaxEditor was compiled with a different version of SynEdit.TSynEdit' Regards
  21. Hi, How can I activate BiDiMode := bdRightToLeft for the Form or For the components Thanks
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