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Everything posted by newsanti

  1. How to use HTML with TunimMemo? because TunimHTMLMemo not found.
  2. if oPanelX is TUniCustomContainerPanel then begin var oPanel:= TUniCustomContainerPanel(oPanelX); if Assigned(oPanel) then begin var oJS:= oPanel.JSInterface; oJS.JSAddListener('painted', oJS.JSFunction('sender', 'sender.bodyElement.setStyle(''background'', ''url('+S+')'')')); oJS.JSAddListener('painted', oJS.JSFunction('sender', 'sender.bodyElement.setStyle(''background-repeat'', ''no-repeat'')')); oJS.JSAddListener('painted', oJS.JSFunction('sender', 'sender.bodyElement.setStyle(''background-size'', ''100% 100%'')')); end; end; I try setting in one command.
  3. 'sender.bodyElement.setStyle(''background'', ''url(/files/mainlogo2.jpg) no-repeat 100% 100%'')')); Can do like this?
  4. how to set cover of image with setstyle? var oPanel:= UnimContainerPanel1; // TuniLayoutConfig(oPanel.LayoutConfig).Cls:= 'mainbackground'; var oJS:= oPanel.JSInterface; oJS.JSAddListener('painted', oJS.JSFunction('sender', 'sender.bodyElement.setStyle(''background'', ''url(/files/mainlogo2.jpg)'')')); oJS.JSAddListener('painted', oJS.JSFunction('sender', 'sender.bodyElement.setStyle(''background-size'', ''cover'')')); Can coding in single command?
  5. procedure TMainmForm.UnimFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin var oPanel:= UnimContainerPanel1; // TuniLayoutConfig(oPanel.LayoutConfig).Cls:= 'mainbackground'; // work OK. var oJS:= oPanel.JSInterface; oJS.JSAddListener('afterrender', oJS.JSFunction('sender', 'document.body.style.background=''url("/files/mainlogo2.jpg");repeat scroll 0% 0%''')); //Mainlogo2.jpg not shown. end; FormBackground.zip
  6. customGrid3 .x-grid-td .x-grid-cell-inner { line-height: normal; vertical-align: middle; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; } .customGrid1 .x-column-header{ line-height: normal; vertical-align: middle; } if combine above (customCSSGrid1&customCSSGrid3) customCSSGrid3 display incorrect. customCSSGrid4 .x-grid-cell-row-numberer { font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; font-family: cursive, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; } Need other customCSSGrid4 to customize grid row number.
  7. .customGrid1 .x-column-header{ line-height: normal; vertical-align: middle; } .customGrid2 .x-title-text{ line-height: normal; vertical-align: middle; } .customGrid3 .x-grid-td .x-grid-cell-inner { line-height: normal; vertical-align: middle; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; } .customGrid4 .x-grid-cell-row-numberer { font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; font-family: cursive, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; } Is possible to combine multiple css with LayoutConfig.Cls Example: dbGrid.LayoutConfig.cls := 'customGrid1;customGrid2; customGrid3;customGrid4';
  8. setting multiple css with cls of layloutconfig.
  9. Can setting cls = 'customGrid1;customGrid2; customGrid3'?
  10. oList.Add('.customGridHeader .x-column-header{'); oList.Add(' line-height: normal;'); oList.Add(' vertical-align: middle;'); oList.Add('}'); oList.Add('.customGridTitle .x-title-text{'); oList.Add(' line-height: normal;'); oList.Add(' vertical-align: middle;'); oList.Add('}'); oList.Add('.customGridBody .x-grid-td .x-grid-cell-inner {'); oList.Add(' line-height: normal;'); oList.Add(' vertical-align: middle;'); oList.Add(' text-overflow: ellipsis;'); oList.Add(' overflow: hidden;'); oList.Add('}'); How to combine .x-grid-cell-row-number css with above css, or coding js at runtime with dbgrid jsInterface?
  11. for example change css with coding runtime through unigui component.
  12. How to change above css with dbgrid.jsInterface?
  13. function headerclick(ct, column, e, t, eOpts) { var timeNow = (new Date()).getTime(); if (this.lastClicked) { if (timeNow > (this.lastClicked + 500)) { } else { ajaxRequest(this, "columndblclick", ["columntext=" + column.text, "columnindx=" + column.dataIndex]); } } this.lastClicked = timeNow; } This script cause dbgrid do not fire grid.edit. Grid-Edit2.mp4
  14. Not Resolve! Dbgrid dont't fire ajaxRequest "edit" to server. if i change dbgrid to edit mode on server. How to force dbgrid to fire ajaxRequest "edit"
  15. -Grid.DataSet is Memory Table. -After end editing of column editor then change dataset to edit mode. -read data and save to master database with entity object. -write data from entity object to dataset then dataset.post. Oh..Sorry , I founded bug in my component. cause: repeat write grid header at run-time with client operation mode.
  16. .x-grid-cell-inner { text-overflow: ellipsis !important; } I try above method but not work. and try to combine with this css in servermodule .customGridHeader .x-column-header { line-height: normal; vertical-align: middle; } .customGridBody .x-grid-td .x-grid-cell-inner{ line-height: normal; vertical-align: middle; text-overflow: ellipsis; }
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