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Posts posted by Mortymer

  1. Thank you mohammad I try this solution :)





    You may try this: (all client side code - js)




    Project from here: http://www.3msoft.net/mhmd/Tabs.rar

    function OnClick(sender, e)
     //switch position
     var tab1=MainForm.UniPageControl1.items.getAt(0).items.getAt(0);

    If you wish to add icons to tab's title like this:




    You could use this code:


    and the css is:

        background-image: url("images/stngs.png") !important; 

    I hope this help you... :rolleyes:

  2. Hello All,


    How can I set tabposition in Pagecontrol component.


    I found this lines in javascript code:

                OE3 = new Ext.Panel({
                    id: "OE3_id",
                    layout: "anchor",
                    baseCls: "",
                    width: 495,
                    height: 213,
                    x: 224,
                    y: 122
                OE3.nm = "OE3";
                _cdo_("GPWebPageControl1", OE3, null, MainForm);
                OF2 = new Ext.TabPanel({
                    plain: true,
                    anchor: "100% 100%",
                    enableTabScroll: true,
                    deferredRender: false,                
                    layout: "absolute",
                    id: "OF2_id",
                    activeTab: 0
                OF2.nm = "OF2";
                OF2.on("tabchange", function(P0, P1) {
                    return Ext.Ajax.request({
                        url: "/HandleEvent",
                        params: "Ajax=1&IsEvent=1&Obj=OF2&Evt=tabchange&This=" + P0.nm + "&Tab=" + P1.nm + "" + _gv_(O10),
                        success: AjaxSuccess,
                        failure: AjaxFailure,
                        obj: OF2,

    How can I insert

    "tabPosition: 'left'," this codeline into


    Ext.TabPanel definition section.


    Thank you for any help or answer!





  3. Hello all,


    I create form customizing component and form. This customizer calling from any Uniform.



    How can I modified form and component properties in runtime?

    How can I send forced modified form to client?


    I don't want destroy and recreate current form in runtime. This is not good solution :(


    Thanks for any help!




  4. I'm trying to finish it.

    I was delayed by an unstable OS on my primary dev. machine and was busy reinstalling everything all weekend..


    Why not use Virtual OS for development environment?

    I'm using Virtualbox latest version and Windows 7 quest OS


    Absolute portable and work fine :)

  5. What is price if I bought Sencha ExtJS license?

    I have valid Sencha license, because using this component in my application.


    I don't want to pay twice for it.

  6. That's because you're using the same name for the PDF file. I recommend that each generated PDF has a unique name.

    Use this for filename generation:


    formatdatetime('yyyymmddhhnnzzz', now) + '.pdf'

    this is absolute unique :)



  7. Hello everyone,


    I modified two component.

    The TUniEdit and TUniCombobox components i added AutoLabel property.

    This components auto. created label control.


    I have one small problem.

    If i put this component into Form components working perfectly, but i use Frame the TUniLabel component not Visible.




    Thanks for any Help!


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