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  1. procedure TFrameModelo.UniDBGrid1ColumnSort(Column: TUniDBGridColumn; Direction: Boolean); begin if Direction then TFdquery(DsPes.DataSet).IndexName := Column.FieldName+'_index_asc' else TFdquery(DsPes.DataSet).IndexName := Column.FieldName+'_index_des'; end; procedure TFrameModelo.UniFrameCreate(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; IndexnameAsc : string; IndexnameDes : string; begin if Assigned(DsPes.DataSet) then begin // TFDQuery(DsPes.DataSet).IndexDefs.Clear; for I := 0 to TFDQuery(DsPes.DataSet).FieldCount-1 do begin IndexnameAsc := TFDQuery(DsPes.DataSet).Fields[I].FieldName+'_index_asc'; IndexnameDes := TFDQuery(DsPes.DataSet).Fields[I].FieldName+'_index_des'; if TFDQuery(DsPes.DataSet).Indexes.FindIndex(IndexnameAsc) = nil then begin with TFDQuery(DsPes.DataSet).Indexes.Add do begin Name := IndexnameAsc; Fields := TFDQuery(DsPes.DataSet).Fields[I].FieldName; Active := True; end; end; if TFDQuery(DsPes.DataSet).Indexes.FindIndex(IndexnameDes) = nil then begin with TFDQuery(DsPes.DataSet).Indexes.Add do begin Name := IndexnameDes; Fields := TFDQuery(DsPes.DataSet).Fields[I].FieldName; Options := [soDescending]; Active := True; end; end; end; end; for I := 0 to UniDBGrid1.Columns.Count - 1 do UniDBGrid1.Columns[i].Sortable := True; end; try this code.
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