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Osama Ghazal

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Everything posted by Osama Ghazal

  1. This is Works good for TreeView and DBTreeGrid, Thank you
  2. I will prepare a test example for you. for example if I want to use the UniDBTreeGrid, how can I add a records inside it? if I press on any keyfield node and I want to add a record under this node, how can I get the key node value to be a parent for the new node. If I use UniTreeView, it is good but not Multi Columns. You have many good ideas on the trees but I found them not complete, maybe they need some additional features. also the Trees not Support RTL for Arabic or Persian Languages. I am very interesting on working on UniGui, because I found it better than IntraWeb, I think. I am still on test level for them.
  3. Thank you mhmda, I am planning to buy this components, but I don't want after buy it I can't work on it. I face many difficulties with working with it, but I found it great components. I am working now on a trial version to test it is efficiency. for example, I have a tree like the attached picture, I want when I press on the key field (for example : Barcode Printers), I want to take it is id or value or any information about it, but I can't. I can Only get the information on the items Like : GoDEX Barcode Printer or PANDA Barcode Printer the image is on GoFile https://gofile.io/d/T65w2i also I can't upload it on this topic Thank you for your co-operate
  4. Hi All, I am trying to study UniGui Components, because I am planning to make a full program on this components. but I can't find a full manual about it or full help, only some examples without explain. So I am trying to work on TuniDBTreeGrid, but the examples is very limited and there is no manual for any component. so is there is any manual except the Developers Guide on the website? Thank you all
  5. Thank You Mr. Farshad I saw many videos for you
  6. Hi All, I am new user of UniGUI, and I am learning it now, but I have some problems with the PointOfSales example. does anybody have the source code of this example? they write in the developer manual that the demo is in this path "Demos\Touch\PointOfSales", but it did't. Best Regards
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