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Posts posted by odoncm

  1. Hi,

    When in a uniMdbgrid we sort by a date field, the sort is not done correctly, since it would have to sort by the complete date and it seems that it is sorting by the month field.


    Ordered column date:

    procedure Tfrm_albaranes_abiertos.unmdbgrd_albaranes_abiertosColumnSort
      (Column: TunimDBGridColumn; Direction: Boolean);
      if Direction then
        dm.qry_albaranes_abiertos.IndexFieldNames := Column.FieldName + ' DESC'
        dm.qry_albaranes_abiertos.IndexFieldNames := Column.FieldName + ' ASC'

    And in UniEvents:

    function store.afterCreate(sender)

    Any ideas?

    I attach the wrong sorting image in the Unimdbgrid and the correct sorting in this case in a grid of the dataset itself.





  2. Hola,

    Estamos evaluando la última versión de unigui para una aplicación móvil que genera un pdf y exporta a través de fastreport y tenemos el problema de que el servidor se cierra solo cuando se realiza la exportación.

    Esta es la línea que genera el registro:

    Project1.exe: 000020B8: 22:45:34 []:EUniSessionException : Invalid session or session Timeout. (Invalid URI: /x-msgbox-question ) : Addr: $007F8CD7

    En ese caso, porque hay un messagebox y el log lo indica, pero si lo haces sin pasar por el cuadro de diálogo, el HyperServer se cierra sin dejar rastro en el log.

    El problema se genera en la última línea de la función, si no exportas todo funciona perfectamente.

    UniMainModule.frxReport1.Export (UniMainModule.frxMailExport1);

    ¿Alguna solución?



  3. Hi,

    We are evaluating the latest version of unigui for a mobile app that generates a pdf and exports through fastreport and we have the problem that the server closes only when the export is done.

    This is the line that generates the log:

    Project1.exe: 000020B8: 22:45:34 []:EUniSessionException : Invalid session or session Timeout. (Invalid URI: /x-msgbox-question ) : Addr: $007F8CD7

    In that case, because there is a meesagebox and the log indicates it, but if you do it without going through the dialog box, the HyperServer closes without leaving any trace in the log.

    The problem is generated in the last line of the function, if you don't get to export everything works perfectly.

    UniMainModule.frxReport1.Export (UniMainModule.frxMailExport1);

    Any solution?

    I have created a new post because it does not allow me to reply to the other one, is there any limitation in the forum for new people?


  4. Hi,

    We are evaluating the latest version of unigui for a mobile app that generates a pdf and exports through fastreport and we have the problem that the server closes only when the export is done.

    This is the line that generates the log:

    Project1.exe: 000020B8: 22:45:34 []:EUniSessionException : Invalid session or session Timeout. (Invalid URI: /x-msgbox-question ) : Addr: $007F8CD7

    Any solution??


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