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Daniel Prado

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Posts posted by Daniel Prado

  1. Hello.

    I'm starting to use masks in my edits. Then, I went to TUniEdit's doc page > properties > InputMask, then to TUniInputMask > properties > Mask and got nothing explaining how it works. How do I supposed to known the way the component works?

    Do anyone know how to create a mask? There's any possibility to create a mask that accepts a variable number before the comma, then just two digits after it, like xxxx...N,yy? How do I use optional numbers?



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  2. Quote

    Is there a problem or something I have to do in this case ?

    Depend on how your web server treats a session. Because UniGUI's stateful nature, if Hyperserver kills the session, your client will no longer find the path back to server: this is a dead session - that never occur in stateless (common web) environment.



    If they are dead sessions why the OnDestroy or OnBrowserClosed events are not triggered ?

    Both events depend on the client sending an ajax request to server. A session kill is not this type of event cos has been done by server (check developer's console to see this events happening).


    Can you say more about your environment? As example, my environment is a Windows Server + XAMPP, UniGUI as programa but receiving HTTP request by an redirector (ISAPI redir).

  3. Thank you for the log entry.

    The error occur because of the x86 ISAPI module running into an x64 compile Apache ISAPI module. 

    You can fix it installing the XAMP 7.3.2 x86 (Link below) after removing your current version, then deploying an x86 (32-bit Windows) ISAPI module of your application.

    Another way is to build your ISAPI Module with x64 Windows arch. But, Delphi lacks the correct support for this, and I do not know if UniGUI does.

    Note: After Xampp version 7.3.2 the x86 support was leaved behind.

    Xampp 7.3.2 x86: https://sourceforge.net/projects/xampp/files/XAMPP Windows/7.3.2/xampp-win32-7.3.2-0-VC15-installer.exe/download

  4. Hello SergioFeitoza.

    If you're running your environment with Apache, the error 500 generate a message log. Can you paste this message here?

    To be clear, this error can be found in file "error.log". It is located inside C:\xampp\apache\logs, if using XAMPP as web stack (default instalation). If using XAMPP you can find the "error.log" inside Xampp console, clicking in the Apache's "Logs" button > Apache (error.log).

    I've faced this error when trying to run an x86 ISAPI module inside an x64 compiled Apache.

    The size o ISAPI is not a problem. When the apache receives the HTTP GET request, it just loads the ISAPI module into the memory and passes the request to it. So, if the size of the module is a problem, is in the OS context.

  5. Hello SergioFeitoza.

    As mentioned in this link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13112257/how-can-i-tell-at-compile-time-whether-the-project-is-a-program-or-a-library, probably there is no way to do some compilation time check. What I know is that a ISAPI project is a Library, and a standalone is a program. So, if I need to do that, I would define some  mark, as example, ISAPI, to the ISAPI project and PROGRAM to standalone. Then, in my code I would do something like


    {$IF Defined(ISAPI)}


    {$ELSEIF Defined(PROGRAM)} //Or just $ELSE, as there is just two options.


    Edit: If your project's source code first line is LIBRARY, then, it is an ISAPI project.

  6. Hello!

    I'm using UniGUI 1.90 and facing a strange bug when using TUniPageControl. 

    When I change to another tab in a pagecontrol that have a third party library (like UniSFChart - HighChart) inside it, sometimes my screen got "blank" and the entire system stop working. To get it working again I have to refresh the entire page. This error happens randomically. I've noticed that when this error occurs, this log appears in the browser console:

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'tagName' of null (link to image: https://nuvem.grvmax.com.br/owncloud/index.php/s/ues9XeRCfLIHSce )

    Anyone already faced this bug?



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