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Posts posted by ZigZig

  1. Hi Farshad,


    Same problem here, with a fresh new installation of Delphi 10.1 Berlin Update 2 on a new computer (without previous installation of uniGUI) : "[dcc32 Fatal Error] uniTools24.dpk(43): F2613 Unit 'uniStrUtils.pas' not found.".


    It seems that Something is missing in uniDateUtils.pas and/or uniZLibEx.pas.


    Could you please tell me how to fix it ?


    Thanks a lot!


    It is possible that the default printer of IIS_USR (which is the default user of a web process running in IIS, such as uniGUI) is not defined. Maybe you could define the default printer with a GPO.

  3. Thank you md9projetus, your link is helpful.

    Unfortunately, this issue doesn't seem to be a bug,  but a new spec: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2016/06/absolute-positioned-children .


    A workaround could be to put the "absolute" div into a "relative" div, like this :

    < div style = " position: relative ">
      < div style = " position: absolute ">
     < / div >
    < / div >

    (source: https://productforums.google.com/d/msg/chrome/ZiS3HctBuZs/rpq5SG-YBAAJ )

  4. It is possible that the default printer of IIS_USR (which is the default user of a web process running in IIS, such as uniGUI) is not defined.    Maybe you could define the default printer with a GPO.

  5. It is possible that the default printer of IIS_USR (which is the default user of a web process running in IIS, such as uniGUI) is not defined.    Maybe you could define the default printer with a GPO.

  6. @md9projetos:


    Yes, I saw the [ridiculous] die-hard answers from A. Machado to your questions (which where very clear, fair, polite, objective and neutral IMHO).  Obviously, this guy doesn't know uniGUI, and doesn't want to know uniGUI... 

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