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Posts posted by Haklin0816


    Url's appended to the alias is not reaching the application when running in Hyper Server and alias is used! I'm doing redirects in OnHTTPCommand and they are not firing when used with an alias.

    https://server.domain.com/alias1/dothis should be redirect to  https://server.domain.com/alias1?dothis=1 in OnHTTPCommand, but I get "(Invalid URI: /alias1/dothis )"

    Also there is a differens in handling parameters when using alias and not. It does not work with "/" at the end.

    Without alias this works:
    and this works:
    https://server.domain.com/?dothis=1 (notice the "/" before the param)

    With alias only this works:
    https://server.domain.com/alias1/?dothis=1 I get "Invalid URI: /alias1/",  (notice the "/" before the param)



  2. Hi,

    I have two applications running in one HyperServer. They are located in two different folder in the hyperServer root


    |                            |

    App1Folder        App2Folder (alias1)


    I do not want them to share files, images etc.

    My problem is that no matter what I set as "FilesFolder" of the applications the FilesFolderURL always points to the Hyper_Server "files" folder for both applications, same with cache.

    I can however set the "server_root" in the hyperserver config file. Then https://server.domain.com/files/test.html opens the correct file for App1

    server_root= C:\HyperServerFolder\SubFolderOfApp1


    But it does not work with the alias https://server.domain.com/alias1/files/test.html .






  3. Hi I have the same issue... For me it happens when I edit a row, press ESC to cancel edit and then clicks row to edit again.

    First "Correct" View:

    After cancel edit and edit, the spaces increased between fields. Also note that Non visual fields are incorrectly shown as small edits (there are one non visible field between "Dest. No" And "Comments" and a few between "Arrangement" and "BookingDate"). 






  4. Hi, I'm building a abusive IP blocker that blocks IP with bad a bad reputation, before letting them in the application. Then I noticed strange URL:s being called. And they actually do have meaning on the hyper server. The "/terminate_node" does kill a node! The "/read_status@<NODE> outputs information... Why are they even possible to call from a remote IP?

    Blocked RemoteIP: Document:/ping
    Blocked RemoteIP: Document:/terminate_node
    Blocked RemoteIP: Document:/terminate_node
    Blocked RemoteIP: Document:/terminate_node
    Blocked RemoteIP: Document:/freed_sessions
    Blocked RemoteIP: Document:/read_status@2
    Blocked RemoteIP: Document:/freed_sessions
    Blocked RemoteIP: Document:/read_status@2
    Blocked RemoteIP: Document:/freed_sessions
    Blocked RemoteIP: Document:/read_status@2
    Blocked RemoteIP: Document:/freed_sessions
    Blocked RemoteIP: Document:/read_status@1

  5. A way to add custom CSS to individual frames and forms:

    Create a CSS file to override or add classes. If you create a new class and want to assign it to a component put the class name in LayoutConfig.Cls of the component.

    1. CSS File example.css:

    /*Rounded edges on edits*/
    .x-textfield .x-input-wrap-el {
        -webkit-border-radius: 3px; !important;
    /*class FormSubmitButton*/
    .FormSubmitButton {
        font: 16px 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, arial, sans-serif;
        background: #47a404;
        background-color: #47a404;
        color: #fff;
        font-weight: 600;
        border-radius: 3px;
        padding-top: 5px;
        padding-right: 5px;
        padding-bottom: 5px;
        padding-left: 5px;
    .FormSubmitButton.x-hovered {
        color: #fff;
        background: #378003;
        background-color: #378003;    
    .FormSubmitButton .x-inner-el {
        padding: 7px;
        border: 0px;
        background-color: #47a404;
        background-image: none;
    .FormSubmitButton.x-hovered .x-inner-el {
        background: #378003;
        background-color: #378003;     


    2. Set LayoutConfig.Cls of your button to FormSubmitButton

    3. Put the following in form/frame OnCreate

    procedure Ttestframe.UniFrameCreate(Sender: TObject);
    Var Script:String;
            Script := 'var fileref = document.createElement("link");'+#13#10+
            'fileref.rel = "stylesheet";'+#13#10+
            'fileref.type = "text/css";'+#13#10+
            'fileref.href = "/css/example.css";'+#13#10+ //<-- Path to CSS file
            TUnimForm(Self.OwnerForm).WebForm.Script.Add(Script); //<-- In Frame
            //Self.WebForm.Script.Add(Script); //<-- In Form


  6. Hi,

    I'm playing around with HyperServer and was hoping to be able to use it. One problem I have is that when running the application in HyperServer it is not displaying any images. Running the same application standalone works.

    TUniImage images are not displayed (loaded at design time), nor is my LoginBackground loaded at runtime on MainModule.create...

  7. Hi,

    why are my dialogs looking wierd? It's the same with ShowMessage!

    It is aligned to the right and the questionmark and dots are moved to the left!

    MessageDlg('Why is it looking like this?'+sLineBreak+'Second line...', mtConfirmation, mbYesNo)



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