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Everything posted by Vision

  1. Hi I need to apply run time unidbgrid1.LayoutConfig.Width:='100%'. I searched a few in web, and I find something similar to wich I'm thinking, but I'm not able to recustomize the code, I only produce ajax error. UniPanel2.layoutconfig.Flex:=1; UniPanel2.JSInterface.JSAssign('flex', [1]); UniPanel1.JSInterface.JSCall('doLayout', []); Can someone help me? Is the right way? If possible i would like to have a link to sencha documentation to understand where i can find usefull information for this tipical situation. Tnks a lot
  2. yes i wold like to add new series to a chart run time tnks
  3. hi I tried this but not work nserie := 2; SetLength(Serie, nserie); Serie[0] := TUniBarSeries.Create(self); Serie[0].Name := 'serie0'; Serie[0].Parent := UniChart1; Serie[1] := TUniBarSeries.Create(self); Serie[1].Name := 'serie1'; Serie[1].Parent := UniChart1; SetLength(dummy, 10); for i := 0 to 10 do begin dummy[i] := Random(100); end; for i := 0 to 10 do begin Serie[0].Add(dummy[i], IntToStr(i)) end; Can anyone help me? I need to change on run time the number of bar chart in a chart tnks
  4. Hi I think that I had find part of the reason of session blocking (probably). I noticed that i had to much connection opened from my application to firebird db: every time I open a new session now I verify that the number of connection is under 70. In this way I had removed the main part of the problem (old session keep connection till destruction). Too much connection block service so block my application. Pretty nice.. Second, and here I need you mr Farshad, i still see some blocked session. Logging i could see that every time my program stop working last log is between the aftershow and UniFormScreenResize, the problem is that i have no code between this 2 point. So i pass to the end of UniFormBeforeShow but never reach the begin of UniFormScreenResize. Any suggestion?
  5. Is there a way to monitor a responsivity from a session in server module? Maybe if i kill the session all other session dont stop.
  6. No, I have already spent 3 days trying to debug without result. Tomorrow i will try to move the firedac component in a separated datamodule but I'm not confident. My problem at the moment is that I have no idea who is the cause of the block nor tools to look for the origin of this. Only way is to delete block of code till remove bug i think..
  7. Is for simulate log off. I use this command also in other situation like when user change lenguage. Is a problem if I use uniapplication.restart?
  8. I was thinking, that probably the most interesting aspect in this situation is that the session could reboot two thousand times without memory leak (checked via MadExcept). So probably is a concurrency bug: the point is that i have not servermodule variable. Is possible that the lock of resources reside in JS level? Using Cndebugger i noticed that sometimes a query was called without exception but i did not recieved confirmation from tunidbgrid on after load method. Otherwise i have a dead lock in DB side but i have checked: the query from anothe vcl demo work fine. The test are performed with 4 pc i7 8th gen, 8GB ram and so on: for each pc I open more than 12 separated pages: in this way I could check the status in all pages simultaneously.
  9. Hi already changed in visual component: behaviour is the same. Tnks for your attention
  10. I was thinking that i dont know why and how session lock. I have this feeling whatching the screen. Is the a way to reboot session locked?
  11. Hi Im still waiting forum a tip. What do i have to place in data module?? And why do i have to use it? Tnks
  12. Hi No I'm not using unigui data module. What do I have to place in data module? I read a few: can you explain me why do have to use it?
  13. Update. I have just removed all the code in my program after on resize in main. The problem is still present. Going to 100 user i also get an access violation.. Attach the log: vOYAGERwEB.exe: 00002228: 18:51:06 []:Processed: Id: -1, Evt: , [FyXrkPyFlq10305CAD0] vOYAGERwEB.exe: 00000450: 18:51:06 []:Processing: Id: -1, Evt: vOYAGERwEB.exe: 000018B8: 18:51:06 []:Processing: Id: -1, Evt: vOYAGERwEB.exe: 00002574: 18:51:06 []:Processing: Id: -1, Evt: vOYAGERwEB.exe: 00002CB0: 18:51:06 []:Processing: Id: -1, Evt: vOYAGERwEB.exe: 00002228: 18:51:06 []:Processing: Id: -1, Evt: vOYAGERwEB.exe: 00000BC0: 18:51:06 []:Processing: Id: -1, Evt: vOYAGERwEB.exe: 00002BA4: 18:51:06 []:Processed: Id: -1, Evt: , [vRFiVU2WUy10305CAD0] vOYAGERwEB.exe: 00002BA4: 18:51:06 []:Processing: Id: -1, Evt: vOYAGERwEB.exe: 00001388: 18:51:09 []:Processed: Id: -1, Evt: , [uyNg1r8OeC10305CAD4] vOYAGERwEB.exe: 000022E8: 18:51:09 []:Processed: Id: -1, Evt: , [DzxDMBlmLq10305CAD4] vOYAGERwEB.exe: 00001F78: 18:51:09 []:Processed: Id: -1, Evt: , [nlTYvqZxn710305CAD4] vOYAGERwEB.exe: 00001C34: 18:51:09 []:Processed: Id: -1, Evt: , [MvQwhLkECz10305CAD4] vOYAGERwEB.exe: 00001550: 18:51:09 []:Processed: Id: -1, Evt: , [y9gyLsYgHJ10305CAD4] vOYAGERwEB.exe: 00002574: 18:51:10 []:Processed: Id: -1, Evt: , [Q3PGgpKB4e10305CAD5] So the question is now: I have a 6 firedac connection + query + dataset create i ìn UniGUIMainModuleCreate and destroy the same in UniGUIMainModuleBrowserClose. is correct? do i have to destroy the firedac component in UniGUIMainModuleDestroy? I have no other Ideas.. log3.7z
  14. Hi In this days I'm testing my app. I noticed that when I have more than a client conneted (Probably) my app freeze and appear messages: connection error, communication failure: 0 . NB: i do not have variable uni server module ( not even one) My test consit in waiting for some operation in main (tipically a few query to firebird) when all booelan that rapresent task are accomplished, a timer check the boolean then uniapplication.restart; I'm sure that i have no exception inside my code: i filled all the code with try except and CNdebugger trace message. I also trace message by ip and session but i Have not strange behaviour on my side. Situation is quite strange because seem not to be direct propotional with number of user (with more than 50 client the situation happen after more than 2000 restart). Im using unigui 1481and firebird 3.0.3. I have enabled all log option in the server. Probably there is someting interesting beteween row 382243 and 410000 (see in LOG.7z) In this case i had closed some window and communication restarted: with more 50 client when i had halt the service MAD eXCEPT did not report leack. (vOYAGERwEB.exe: 00000168: 15:42:08 []:Failed Sequence Recovery: SeqId: 15, Event: timer, Status: 0, StatusText: "communication failure", TimedOut: true, cQs: f:{}, s:{16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205}, a:{206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,250,251,252,253,254,255,256,257,258,259,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267,268,269}, r:{}) In LOG2.7Z i had attached all the log. I found in the last row of log vOYAGERwEB.exe: 000013DC: 16:22:10 []:Failed Sequence Recovery : TDiff:2028, Event: timer, Expected: 153, Received: 158, [qD1qop7tHT10305A0DF] vOYAGERwEB.exe: 000013DC: 16:22:10 []:Rejected Sequence : 158, Expected: 153, RecoverFailureTimeout: 135000, FTime: 203 vOYAGERwEB.exe: 000013DC: 16:22:10 []:Processed: Id: 158, Evt: timer, [qD1qop7tHT10305A0DF] vOYAGERwEB.exe: 000028E0: 16:22:10 []:Processed: Id: -1, Evt: , [OfDzYMco5X10305A26E] vOYAGERwEB.exe: 0000120C: 16:22:11 []:Failed Sequence Recovery : TDiff:2012, Event: timer, Expected: 153, Received: 156, [qD1qop7tHT10305A0DF] vOYAGERwEB.exe: 0000120C: 16:22:11 []:Rejected Sequence : 156, Expected: 153, RecoverFailureTimeout: 135000, FTime: 624 vOYAGERwEB.exe: 0000120C: 16:22:11 []:Processed: Id: 156, Evt: timer, [qD1qop7tHT10305A0DF] that are the same folder present in cache folder (see image attached cache.jpg) In conclusion: I'm asking help for understan where is the problem. I think that there are a lot of info. In LOG.7z i have attached a situation close to failure in LOG2.7Z SERVER stop working. I also have attached the folder cache Tnk to all Cris LOG.7z LOG2.7z cache.7z
  15. Perfect! Tnks so much again
  16. Find! UniSession.AddJS(UniScrollBox1.JSName+'.getTargetEl().scrollTo("top");'); UniSession.AddJS(UniScrollBox1.JSName+'.getTargetEl().scrollTo("left");'); UniSession.AddJS(UniScrollBox1.JSName+'.getTargetEl().scrollBy('+(UniEdit1.Text)+', '+(UniEdit2.Text)+', false);'); Now I'm a guru
  17. Fixed guys! Is enought to move the scroll box from the JS side
  18. Hi in the attached demo i have put an image inside a scroll box. When i move the image to left with UniImage1.Left:=UniImage1.Left-100; or to right with UniImage1.Left:=UniImage1.Left+100; for the image parent, so the scroll box, the image seems change size (so you will not be able to scroll all the image). Can any one explain me how to fix this "feature" ? tnks a lot Project1.7z
  19. Perfect tnks and sorry for my stupid question
  20. Hi I'm trying some demo like ClientEventsMouseEvents I'm not able to replicate the same behavior on my demo: for example if I want to track a click on a button client side I place a button, than in Ext.button.Button add MainForm.UniButton1.text("click"); but nothing happen. What do I have to do?? Attach a demo.. Same problem in on mouse move Tnks MM - Copia.7z
  21. Hi i need to scroll a scroll box to a specific cohordinate like UniSession.AddJS(UniScrollBox1.JSName+'.getTargetEl().scrollTo("100,100");'); but do not work. I'm just able to scroll tob bottom and so on with UniSession.AddJS(UniScrollBox1.JSName+'.getTargetEl().scrollTo("bottom");'); in sencha doc I founded scroller.scrollTo(100, 100); but not work with UniSession.AddJS(UniScrollBox1.JSName+'.getTargetEl().scroller.scrollTo(100, 100);); Tnks for help
  22. Hi I just need to disable this feature to all column.
  23. Hi I need to do it in run time. in onafterload (tunidbgrid) not work. tip?
  24. Perfect: it work. tnks. Is my first time with main script. I would like to know more. For to be able to write by my self this script, what do I have to read about? is sencha library feature?
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