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Posts posted by DeHeus

  1. You mean the DLL of my UniGui project? It's 32bit (Target platform is Win32).

    I found the libeay32 and ssleay32 dll in C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\SSL\dll\, from there I tried both the dll's from the x86 and x64 folder. But none work. Tried copying to same folder as UniGui DLL and to C:\Windows\System32.
    Do I need install them, instead of just copying?

    The only thing I haven't tried is rebooting the server. It's a production server so I hope I can avoid that.

  2. I try to sent an e-mail using the Indy SMTP component, but I keep getting the error Failed to load libeay32.dll, no matter where I place the DLL's, it will not sent the e-mail.
    The website runs as an ISAPI module in IIS, server OS is Windows 2016. DLL's are placed in C:\Windows\System32 and the folder where ISAPI dll is placed.

    It works nice on my local machine, but throws error on the server.
    We need SSL support as we are sending via office365.

    The code:

    iSMTP.IOHandler := TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Create(iSMTP);
    iSMTP.UseTLS    := utUseExplicitTLS;
    TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL(iSMTP.IOHandler).SSLOptions.Method := sslvTLSv1_2;
    iSMTP.Host     := 'fromsettings';
    iSMTP.Port     := 587;
    iSMTP.AuthType := satDefault;
    iSMTP.Username := 'fromsettings';
    iSMTP.Password := 'fromsettings';
    iSMTP.Send(iMessage); //<-- This throws error

    What am I missing?

  3. Is it possible to do this in Delphi code as well?
    I want to do it based on the value of a property.




    I found you can do it like this:

    yourControl.Color := StringToColor(dmCss.RequiredField);

    dmCss is just a simple datamodule. 

      TdmCss = class(TDataModule)
        { Private declarations }
        const RequiredField = '$00F1DDC1';

    But that does only the background color. Using a CSS class would be much better, as that gives us the possibility to also color border and do more styling on a web based way. We are doing web development, aren't we?

    So if anyone knows the answer how to add a CSS class to the input element via Delphi code, please let me know :-)

  4. Thanks for your answer, I've got it working.

    As columns are created at runtime I've implemented it in the AfterOpen event.

    procedure TfrmTestForm.qryItemAfterOpen(DataSet: TDataSet);
        TFloatField(qryItem.FieldByName('FloatField1')).DisplayFormat := ',0.00';
        // some more columns
  5. I'm developing in .NET for 10 years, but I'm pretty new to Delphi (developing about a year), and even more new to UniGui, so forgive me if it's a basic question.

    What is the best way to format the text displayed in a TUniDBText?


    I've a couple of TUniDBText fields on my form, all bound to seperate float fields of the same Datasource. I want the numbers to be displayed with 2 decimal characters.

    How can I achieve this?

    When there are multiple options what are pro's and con's of each solution. 

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