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Posts posted by acesar

  1. Oi, Cristiano, creio que pelo nome seja brasileiro também...

    Já tentou algum JavaScript?


    In English:


    Hi, Cristiano, I think you are brazilian...

    Have you tried some JavaScript like:


    "to disable F5 and back button add following code



    document.attachEvent("onkeydown", my_onkeydown_handler);

    function my_onkeydown_handler()


    switch (event.keyCode)



    case 116 : // 'F5'

    event.returnValue = false;

    event.keyCode = 0;

    window.status = "We have disabled F5";









  2. Hi Farshad,


    Can I keep a variable for the entire session? For example, I created a variable as class variable in MainModule, called AUser:




    TUniMainModule = class(TUniGUIMainModule)

    procedure UniGUIMainModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);


    { Private declarations }


    { Public declarations }

    AUser: string;





    Every time you refresh browser (IE, Opera, Firefox, Chrome, etc) MainModule is newly created, always changes UniApplication.UniSession.SessionID.


    UniApplication.UniSession.SessionID would not have to be maintained for the same connection?


    If UniApplication.UniSession.SessionID changes, I cannot put AUser variable in OnCreate event of MainModule (AUser := EmptyStr). Where can I put this variable so that its value persists throughout the session, That is, until the browser window is closed or the user run off from my system?

  3. Hi, Farshad...


    How can I execute this code?


    if WebMode then


    '<link rel="stylesheet" href="dhtmlwindow.css" type="text/css" />'+

    '<script type="text/javascript" src="dhtmlwindow.js">'+

    'dhtmlmodal.open("EmailBox", "iframe", "modalfiles/newsletter.htm", "Newsletter Signup page", "width=350px,height=200px,center=1,resize=0,scrolling=1");');


    Method dhtmlmodal is inside a .js called "dhtmlwindow.js". I put this file in same application path, but script doesn't works. Can you help me?



  4. Thanks!


    I'll try the one suggested by you.


    Another problem, WebForm property "JSCode" was moved? If yes, can you give me a sample how I can use it?




    <div id="example"></div>


    <script type="text/javascript">




    I want to get innerHTML from "example" div and this code does not work with new version:




    (TUniClientInfos does not work with Opera), "ciOpera" is not in TUniClientInfos when I run the sample "ClientInfo".


    How can I proceed?


    Thanks in advance

  5. Hi, Farshad.


    Excellent work. I was test this code with new version and it works! I set the property StaticHTML to true in TUniHTMLFrame.


    But only works when TUniServerModule property "MainPageDisplayMode" is mfWindow. Does not works when MainPageDisplayMode = mfPage.


    Can you help me again?


    Thanks a lot, my company will certainly buy UniGui when you make a commercial version.

  6. Hi, Farshad. Magnific work.

    I was testing: Intraweb, Morfik, Raudus and Unigui.


    Intraweb: Very poor interface, it works only in Internet Explorer (visual interface), any other browser will not render correctly;

    Morfik: Most controls only works in Internet Explorer;

    Raudus: Poor components, D7 and D2007 IDE crash constantly (I need restart for each new project), horrible rendering of controls at runtime;

    Unigui: The best component suite that I have seen. Works in all browsers (including Android browser)...


    I have a problem, I need to insert an OCX control (VLC media player) on my project and this code:


    <OBJECT id=vlc4



    VIEWASTEXT events="True"><PARAM NAME="MRL" VALUE=""><PARAM NAME="ShowDisplay" VALUE="True">

    <PARAM NAME="AutoLoop" VALUE="False"><PARAM NAME="AutoPlay" VALUE="True">

    <PARAM NAME="Volume" VALUE="50"><PARAM NAME="StartTime" VALUE="0">

    <param name="autoStart" value="true" />



    does not works inside TUniHTMLFrame (passed as property HTML).


    I was able to view OCX in IE 9 saving the above code in an html file called "Object.html", and I open it with TUniURLFrame in runtime with no problems! OCX control has been shown correctly. Why?


    Raudus have a similiar component to TUniHTMLFrame (TRaEstTextPanel), that have a property called "Lines". I Was pass the code above and to TRaEstTextPanel.Lines in runtime and OCX control was displayed correctly.


    Can you help me?


    Thanks a lot for your excellent work!!!

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