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Posts posted by BrenoMed

  1. Olá pessoal!

    Estamos criando no Mobile uma lista de lojas para que possamos selecionar a loja ou as lojas que desejamos. Nessa lista foi usado um scroll + checkbox criados dinamicamente, só que o checkbox ficou do lado esquerdo do texto e queríamos do lado direito.

    Ficaremos gratos.


    WhatsApp Image 2020-09-17 at 18.58.23.jpeg

  2. Good afternoon,
    We need 2 information:
    We have a mobile project and want to leave a TUnimPanel with rounded corners using border-radius. It even works on unigui desktop but on mobile not. Would you like to know how to do it?
    2 -
    We are in the desktop project with TUniURLFrame running a menu with javascript and css. Inside it we need to click and communicate with unigui. We have already tried using ajaxRequest only that works only when we use TUniHTMLFrame and we need UniURLFrame.
    We are waiting for a help.
    Thank you

    On 5/2/2019 at 11:21 AM, BrenoMed said:
    Hello guys!
    We have a problem when putting a scroll and scrolling the page down the htmlframe component stands still without scrolling along with the other elements.
    Link to the video showing the error ---> http://www.grsoft.com.br/videos/VideoErroScroll.mp4
    We appreciate who can help!



    Hello guys,

    I'm still unsuccessful with my problem, would anyone know how to help me?

    I'll be very grateful!

  4. On 5/7/2019 at 5:57 PM, Sherzod said:


    I think, you need also try to use UnimHTMLFrame instead


    We are using the UnimHTMLFrame to run static page made in HTML that does not have problems with scroll. However, we need to run scripts in external javascript + html so we are using UnimURLFrame for support since it does not work in UnimHTMLFrame. We did an example you asked for, came to analyze?

    Thanks in advance for all the support!

  5. 21 hours ago, Sherzod said:


    Can you please make a simple testcase for this?



    I am sending you a simple attachment that I made, it has 1 htmlframe on top, the second is an HtmlURLFrame, and lastly another HtmlFrame. Note that the HtmlURLFrame does not scroll, but it is necessary because we can not apply the script to HTMLFRame.

    Thank you very much for your attention.


  6. Hello guys!
    We have a problem when putting a scroll and scrolling the page down the htmlframe component stands still without scrolling along with the other elements.
    Link to the video showing the error ---> http://www.grsoft.com.br/videos/VideoErroScroll.mp4
    We appreciate who can help!



  7. Olá Pessoal,



    Estou passando por um problema.. ao carregar uma query conforme abaixo no botão depois de carregado o gridClientes eu quero selecionar todas as linhas marcando seus respectivos checkbox's



    procedure carregaquery


        //carrega a query para alimentar o DBGRID

        select tabela .....


        // logo após o carregamento da query, realizo a chamada para selecionar as linhas do gridClientes

        UniSession.AddJS(gridClientes.JSName + '.getSelectionModel().selectAll();');



    Porém o comando simplesmente não funciona...



    Para testes eu criei um botão e coloquei a chamada:

        UniSession.AddJS(gridClientes.JSName + '.getSelectionModel().selectAll();');


    Se após o carregamento da query eu clicar no botão, funciona, alguém já passou por isso?




    Agradeço antecipadamente a ajuda.


    Breno Medeiros

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