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Posts posted by ginnix

  1. I am using the uniDateTimePicker, I need to disable the option for the user to manually change the time, but still need the drop down

    arrow so they can select the time. If I use ReadOnly, the dropdown arrow is gone. Anyone know how to do this?



  2. No, nothing in the ClientEvents.


    Also, clicking on any part of the Calendar does not work. How do I make it so clicking works?

  3. I am getting a strange error when the calendar starts up


    sender.setactiveview is not a function?


    and in the middle of the screen I see the Loading text.


    I am using the latest version of uniGUI (1457).  Calendar was working properly before upgrading.


    If I turn off Client events Enabled it works.


    Any help would be appreciated.



  4. Hi All,


    I am using the uniCalendar for a project I am working on, is there anyway to get any information when 

    a user clicks on a time in the UniCalendarPanel1AjaxEvent?


    I just need to know the information that was clicked on a the calendar by checking the AjaxEvent. I need to

    get this information when someone is using a mobile device.






  5. I am planning a project using the calendar control. I could not find any information on how to resize the calendar

    when the user resizes the web browser. Any help would be appreciated.



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