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Dudi Heryadi

uniGUI Subscriber
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Posts posted by Dudi Heryadi

  1. Hi,

    I notice that in UniGUI mobile when I show the form (formB) on top of another form (formA) then when I tap the button to close the formB, the tap will be catched by the control in formA, and triggering the event for that control.

    Is there any solution to prevent this?

    Best Regards

  2. Hi,

    How to make TUnimradio checked by default without have to tap on it?

    I already set property checked=true and also put command UnimRadio1.checked := true on form oncreate, but still doesn't work.

    I also already changed theme, but nothing works.

    can someone help?  

    Best Regards


  3. Dear All,


    In mobile application, If I have a form or frame and it contains a unimSelect, the form/frame will be scrolled up if the UnimSelect is dropped down. The form/frame will stay at that condition even though the unimSelect has been backed to normal state (please see attachment).


    I tested by using iPhone 5 and 7 with browser safari, chrome and opera. All have the same result.

    But it's not happened in Android.


    Please help.





    Dudi Heryadi


  4. Hi Delphi Developer,


    I am creating an application that utilizing draggable & resizable UniPanel. Once the position and size of the unipanel is fixed, I replace the unipanel with another component at the same position. To do that I need to know the actual position and size of the unipanel. I can't use unipanel.left or unipanel.top, since the content is not represent the actual position of the unipanel on web browser.




    Dudi Heryadi

  5. Dear All,


    I'm sorry for asking this basic question since I'm not so familiar with Ext JS.


    How to call web component method from delphi code? I need to know the actual position of a draggable component. Currently I get the position if the component move by using ClientEvents.ExtEvents.move


    function move(sender, x, y, eOpts)
    But I need to know the position anytime, so how is the method to call "MainForm.CompA.getPosition(true)[0]" from delphi code?
    I also need to know how to use JSControl method of type TExtFunction like CompA.JSControl.GetPosition.
    Thank you.
    Dudi Heryadi
  6. I put a TUniPanel in a form and set draggable.enabled := true; 

    when I drag that TUniPanel, the color of some area of the form is changed.

    Any idea how to avoid that?

    I use Build (beta), but the same thing happened wth the previous version.


    Best Regards


    Dudi Heryadi


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