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Posts posted by allexirlley


    In our system we have the product code calculated as follows.
    First four digits = industry code
    Second four digits = department code
    Third four digits = category code
    Last four digits = product code
    Let's assume that the sport category is the code "1234". In system search screens, the user can search for all products that belong to the sport category by simply filling "1234" in the third four digits code of the product code.
    If the user clicks with the arrows to the right, he can enter the third four digits of the product code without problems.
    But sometimes we need to block the user's typing and set the third four-digit code of the product code at run time.
    We tried both the traditional Edit.Text method and JavaScript. Neither of us was able to fill in part of the product code without filling in the beginning.
    Is it possible to fill only part of the code? How can we do that?




    txdbTelefone = TUniDBEdit

    txdbTelefone.JSInterface.JSCode('$("#' + txdbTelefone.JSName + '_id-inputEl").inputmask("(99) 9999-9999");');
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