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Posts posted by Tonivi

  1. Hi


    I'm trying to do this from the MainForm

      UniForm2.Parent := UniPanel2;  // Panel of mainform
      UniForm2.Align  := alClient;
    But it dosn't work
    is it possible?
  2. Hi


    I have an application that I access to the forms as uniFrames var Fr: TUniFrame; begin       Fr: = TFormFrame1.Create (Self);       Fr.Align: = alClient;       Fr.Parent: = panelParent1; How can I access from the mainForm to the FormFrame1 form ?.

    I put the uses but I do not access the properties of the components or the procedures of Formframe1.

    Is there any way to do it ?



  3. when i click a button I want to change the caption of a label f.e. "working....", while I'm doing some instruccions. the label dosen't refresh, so in delphi we have the application.processmessages., but it dosen't work with unigui. 

  4. Hi,

    I have an application with about 500 controls, about 20 are UniDbGrid.

    Running the program on LocalHost takes about 6 seconds and on remote about 20 seconds.

    I have reduced the number of components and the load is very fast. I would like to know how to create available forms or if I’ve to use the uniFrame, to reduce the loading time.

    I’ve notice that if I use frames, I lose UniForms properties, and I can’t access to the components of Uniframe from the datamodule, which has de uses.

    I need you guide me in the best way to use the application as we normally do in Delphi with the mdiform and mdichild forms.


    Best regards

  5. I have been analyzing this software and it is not what I need.

    I need to read the body of an e-mail, directly from an .msg file and view it in html format. So the question is: Can I read the body of a .msg and view it in html, just like we do with a pdf and visualize it in PDFVIEWER?

    I have been analyzing this software and it is not what I need. I need to read the body of an e-mail, either directly from an .msg file or from a previously saved BLOB (Firebird) field, and view it in html. So the question is: I can read the body of a .msg and view it in html, just like we do with a pdf and visualize it in PDFVIEWER?

  6. I am trying to display a Blob field in a uniDBGRID.
    I activate the Displaymemo property in the Notes column, but I can not display the contents of the field, only (BLOB)
    I use Firebird 2.5 database, Firedac Components and Clientdataset
    With the demo example it works fine.
    Any ideas ?

  7. The problem was that i made reference to a label of a form that was not create yet.

    In delphi normally gives en Access Violation, but in this case, no error was given, and when I tried to load en image, give me the error that seems problem with access rights.

    It seems a bug, althought the error was mine.

  8. Hi,


    when i'm trying to load a picture with this instruction




    The application give this error 


    Uniimage1:TUniImage:Cannot create file "c:




    0221833.jpg". El sistema no puede encontrar la ruta especificada




    Unigui licensed FMSoft_uniGUI_Complete_Professional_1.0.0.1399_RC


    Best regards


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