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Everything posted by huayan889

  1. UniQuery1.Active := false; UniQuery1.SQL.Text := 'select * from ss_users where (customer_id=' + chr(39) + UniEdit1.Text + chr(39) + ') and (user_account =' + chr(39) + UniEditUser.Text + chr(39) + ') and (user_pass=' + chr(39) + MD5(cl_decrypt(UniEditPass)) + chr(39) + ')'; UniQuery1.Open;
  2. After I press the above modification, it still has no effect
  3. LoginForm: procedure TUniLoginFrm.UniLoginFormReady(Sender: TObject); begin // Add Components for encryption in Application Layer if UniServerModule.ProtectDataList.IndexOfName(UniEditUser.Name) <= 0 then UniServerModule.ProtectDataList.Add(UniEditUser.Name + '=' + UniEditUser.JSName) // add JSName of Element for UserName else UniServerModule.ProtectDataList.Values[UniEditUser.Name] := UniEditUser.JSName; if UniServerModule.ProtectDataList.IndexOfName(UniEditPass.Name) <= 0 then UniServerModule.ProtectDataList.Add(UniEditPass.Name + '=' + UniEditPass.JSName) // add JSName of Element for UserPass else UniServerModule.ProtectDataList.Values[UniEditPass.Name] := UniEditPass.JSName; end; UniMainModule: procedure TUniMainModule.UniGUIMainModuleHandleRequest(ASession: TObject; var Handled: Boolean); var sUser, sPass, fpName, fpValue, fpCompName, s: String; I, J: integer; sAjaxValues, sRefererValues: TStringList; REQ: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; // uIdCustomHTTPServer begin Try // replace ARequestInfo with TUniGUISession(ASession).ARequest // If (sSessionID <> '') If (POS('_fp_', TUniGUISession(ASession).ARequest.UnparsedParams) > 0) AND (UniServerModule.ProtectDataList.Count > 0) then begin sAjaxValues := TStringList.Create; sAjaxValues.Delimiter := '&'; sAjaxValues.StrictDelimiter := true; sAjaxValues.DelimitedText := uniGUIJSUtils.URIDecode(TUniGUISession(ASession) .ARequest.UnparsedParams); TRY if (sAjaxValues.IndexOfName('_fp_') > 0) then begin for J := 0 to UniServerModule.ProtectDataList.Count - 1 do begin fpCompName := UniServerModule.ProtectDataList.ValueFromIndex[J]; fpName := sAjaxValues.Values[fpCompName]; fpValue := ''; if fpName <> '' then begin for I := Length(fpName) downto 1 do begin case fpName[I] of '%': begin delete(fpValue, 1, 2); break; end else fpValue := fpName[I] + fpValue; end; end; // for I sAjaxValues.Values[fpCompName] := StringReplace(sAjaxValues.Values[fpCompName], fpValue, '123', []); TUniGUISession(ASession).ARequest.Params.Values['_fp_'] := '&' + sAjaxValues[sAjaxValues.IndexOfName(fpCompName)]; sAjaxValues.Values['_fp_'] := HTTPEncode('&' + sAjaxValues[sAjaxValues.IndexOfName(fpCompName)]); sAjaxValues.delete(sAjaxValues.IndexOfName(fpCompName)); TUniGUISession(ASession).ARequest.UnparsedParams := sAjaxValues.DelimitedText; TUniGUISession(ASession).ARequest.FormParams := sAjaxValues.DelimitedText; end; // If end; // for J end; // If sAjaxValues.Clear; sAjaxValues.Free; EXCEPT END; end; Finally End; end; UniServerModule: public { Public declarations } ProtectDataList: TStringList; end; procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleBeforeInit(Sender: TObject); begin ProtectDataList := TStringList.Create; end; procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleBeforeShutdown(Sender: TObject); begin ProtectDataList.Clear; ProtectDataList.Free; end;
  4. irigsoft:Can you give me a complete test demo?
  5. Just let the third party company test, the result is the same. This problem can only be solved by encrypting the information from the browser.
  6. [dcc32 Error] ServerModule.pas(243): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'ProtectDataList'
  7. I can test the code you sent, 315795176& qq.com , replace with @&
  8. HTTPS is the business data of encrypted transport layer. Our packet capture is the application layer data, that is, the local data. When we process the account password, it has not reached the transport layer. So adding certificate can't solve the problem of account password plaintext transmission.
  9. This security problem is obtained by local packet capture.If the security problem is not solved, the system is not allowed to go online
  10. 此安全问题通过本地数据包捕获获得
  11. Enable HTTPS,It's not caused by SQL injection
  12. It is a security problem detected by a third party. The code is very simple: procedure TUniLoginFrm.LoginButClick(Sender: TObject); begin ... UniQuery1.Active := false; UniQuery1.SQL.Text := 'select * from ss_customer_info where (customer_id=' + chr(39) + UniEdit1.Text + chr(39) + ') and (admin_id =' + chr(39) + UniEdit2.Text + chr(39) + ') and (admin_pass=' + chr(39) + MD5(cl_decrypt(uniedit2.text)) + chr(39) + ')'; UniQuery1.Open; ..... end;
  13. How do you deal with the problem of plaintext?
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