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Posts posted by gpaulino

  1. Diculpa gusrac por contentstar tan tarde:


    Verifica si estas descomprimiendo el archivo Zip que puse en esta ruta:


    C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\ext-4.1.1a\resources\themes\images


    Sorry for answering so late:
    Check if you are decompressing the zip file that I put in this path:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\ext-4.1.1a\resources\themes\images



  2. Hello Ronny Encarnacion


    I'm just using the default components with a theme I found on internet. but nothing more is about creativity.


    but the pictures before I liked mine and I want you to tell me where I can get that theme or skin.


    if you need the theme I'm using what I can get on the forum but that has already been uploaded once.
  3. hello erich.wanker


    I had the same case and solved it by starting the application only unigui with closed connections.


    usually when you make an application always keeps open connections to the database when the application goes up the first thing is to make that connection and there is the error that you are presenting to you. like I said I solved it by just closing all connections and when I launch the application in the event of the login button open the connection to the database and the tables I need, it also helps to optimize the application almost 100% level quickly.


    must also close the connection when you finish using the application that also keep it open with the application closed proboca that mistake.
  4. verificaste que el cliente dataset te muestre mas de 15 ???,


    por ejemplo el unidbgrid -->propiedad opcions - pagina size, hay controlas la cantidad de registros a mostrar del unidbdgrid verifica a ver si el cliente dataset tiene una propiedad similar, a ver si tiene  15 registro para mostrar normalmento yo lo controlo por hay. 



    cualquier inconveniente nos indicas.

  5. hi guys


    for I put icons on the tab only slightly change the way


    in the event of unipageControl1 onbeforerender place the following code only modify the premium for one hope that works.


    sender.items.getAt (0). items.getAt (0). setIconCls ('stngs_icon');
  6. hello tnt23 create a package with. pas sent were installed in order to install without problem but when using it when I compile the project this presents me the following error.


    [dcc32 Fatal Error] Main.pas (9): F1026 File not found: 'UniXBitButton.dcu'
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