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Posts posted by cvjcvj

  1. how to pass between form and form parameters, such as the a.php in php and b.php two pages, a.php can be placed b.php? id = 123 link, the parameters passed to the b.php 123



    Just like in a ordinary Delphi form:


    procedure TForm1.Button1Click(...);
     Form2.ExecuteMyCommand(param1, param2, param3);

  2. In webmode ShowModal calls aren't blocking. Due to nature of web we can't block a web request thread. In this sense a uniGUI web application like any other web application should work in a completely event-driven and non-blocking manner.


    Here is the solution:




    In future we may develop better mechanisms to handle modal results.


    We already have a good mechanism: anonymous methods. I have writed a "Confirmation" dialog that, when OK, calls a reference to a method. It is way better than a callbak.


     MyConfirmationDialog('Are you a good programer?', procedure(AResult: Integer)
       // handles AResult


    works like a charm.


    When I have more a more complex scenario, than I use a Interface. Is a better approach that making a DataModule changing variables of main form.

  3. Hi Farshad.


    I need a way to minify the big download of ExtJS. Can you help me in this issue?


    And... how can I show a "Wait... the application is starting" as you have done in the demo of unigui? You are using iframe? Can you show some code?

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