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Posts posted by tcoates

  1. after upgrading to release candidate 1391, I then had to rebuild/install UniGui Teecharts into 10.1.... it appear component palette.


    the chart can be added to a form. But now when I run the web application I get an EReadError with message 'Error reading UniTeeChart1.Title.Text.Strings: interface not supported"


    It was working before I upgraded to the release candidate?!?

  2. we are using unigui release candidate 1391...


    the top row of images is a design time, and the 2nd row is when the application is run. if you look at the bottom corner of the highlighted images (RED box) it appears as clipped. We are just using standard 32x32 images.


    Properties of toolbar...


      object UniToolBar1: TUniToolBar
        AlignWithMargins = True
        Left = 3
        Top = 60
        Width = 902
        Height = 45
        Hint = ''
        ButtonHeight = 36
        ButtonWidth = 38
        Images = UniMainModule.UniImageList_Google32
        ButtonAutoWidth = True
        Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
        Align = alTop
        TabOrder = 4
        ParentColor = False
        Color = clWhite


    and dial button....


        object tbDial: TUniToolButton
          AlignWithMargins = True
          Left = 254
          Top = 3
          Hint = 'Dial'
          Enabled = False
          ShowHint = True
          ParentShowHint = False
          ImageIndex = 4
          Caption = 'tbDial'
          TabOrder = 8
          OnClick = tbDialClick


    not sure how to have image displayed correctly? Any ideas?







  3. Using...


    - Delphi XE10.1

    - TeeCharts is version bundled with Delphi XE10.1

    - unigui

    - uniTeeChart is from link in forums but created in 2014.


    the events that you refer to is available for TUniChart but NOT TUniTeeChart. see attached image..



  4. adding ext function...


    function beforerender(sender, eOpts)
      var me=sender.axes.items[0];


    gives error d.el is null :(


    ALSO... shadow is not a property of a UniTeeChart? Is there a more recent version? Or are you doing this via some other method?

  5. I am playing (testing) other charting components and currently looking at TeeCharts (unit uniTeeChart (from 2014?)). I was able to build and install the component into Delphi XE10.1. Then wrote a small test program. I have added screen from a small demo program I wrote. I want to know how to


    1. only show values 1, 2, 3 (and not 1.5, 2.5, 3.5) on the y-axis

    2. remove shadows

    3. remove the rounded border from the chart component

    4. etc


    Can someone give some advice how to do this? Thanks in advance.


  6. when the user clicks on the title button (column headings) in a UnidbGrid a drop down menu appears where the user can "sort ascending", "sort descending" and "columns" and then choose which columns to display etc.


    after the user has selected columns to show/hide is there some event that is fired to the indicate this has changed? I need to be able to store what column were selected the user for use elsewhere in the program. eg available fields which the user can perform search, contained in frame on bottom half of page (/frame).


    the alternative would be to load/store some values when the grid is the loaded/closed etc, but would prefer to only have to store such information if changed by the user. And, I need to know what column are selected for display after the user has accessed that menu.



  7. Hi,


    We have a couple of charts in one of the our programs. A example chart shows number of calls made for each agent. The issue is that even though I put integer values into the series


      y: integer;
        y := Trunc(series_data.m_y);
        UniBarSeries2.Add(y, series_data.m_x);

    the user will see 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, etc. on the y-axis. Is there some way to make the charts only display whole (integer) numbers?  Thanks.

  8. In our program we have a treeview (TUniTreeview) and the contents of which are added when the program loads....


      tempNode2 := NavTree.Items.Add(nil, 'Recordings');
      tempNode2.ImageIndex := 1; tempNode2.SelectedIndex := 1;

    but ... only want certain nodes in the treeview to appear in expanded form, but not others when the page is initially displayed to the user. ie .. I tried something like...




    but that did not work.


    Can someone give me a hand on what to do here? Thanks.

  9. In a unigui desktop program we have the ajaxTimeOut set to 60000 and sessionTimeOut set to 1800000. The person doing the demo of our program to a customer said that after doing nothing for 2 minutes when they clicked on a link in the program were redirected to the page indicating a session expired. Logically, this would be the ajaxTimeOut property? Please confirm. And if so, what is the largest time I can set this parameter to?


    On a related manner, when the session does in fact timeout, rather than display a page that shows the session expired that has the link to restart the program - which in our case goes to a login page, is it possible to redirect the user login page instead  as that would save the user from having to click on the link?


    If not, can we change the text and background on the page that is displayed when the session expires?


    thanks in advance,


  10. I have a working application that uses frames. That is, when the user selects some option from the menu, the programs loads a frame into the client area of the application.In some of the frame, I have 3 controls - one aligned to the top, the other bottom and the other in the middle.


    When the "page" is loaded, I set (calculate) the height of the control at the bottom so the components at the bottom and middle are the same height.


    This works if the page starts in "portrait" mode or "landscape".


    But if the user the switches from "portrait" to  "landscape" or vice versa, a screen resize event fires on main form.


    Now what I am presently thinking is for the components to resize correctly, I would need to add code to the frame(s) so work out the resizes the components in the frame based on the orientation, which would be executed during the resize event on the main form. The only downside to this is the number of different frames that can be displayed.


    Or is there a better way to specify the size of components in a frame such as based on percentage?


    Any tips?


    Thanks in advance.




  11. I am display statistics in a string grid, such that odd numbered rows contain values, and even rows contain labels, and that part works fine... and I have larger font in the "value" rows. But...


    1. Is it possible to also display images in cells in a unistringgrid?


    2. I would also like to center the text in the cells? (I know that it is possible in unidbgrid, but cannot see how to do it with a stringgrid component.


    Thanks in advance.



  12. Have been using the desktop components for a short time now and quite nice and now need to make it a little more appealing (UI wise) and use similar colors to our other programs. In order to do that...


    (and using build 1332 presently)


    1. in a uniStringGrid setting the defaultHeight does nothing. even when the defaultHeight is set at design time, the program does not obey this property, but does obey the defaultWidth property.


    2. in a uniStringGrid want the abiity to have some sort of spacing between cells so that each cell appears separated.


    3. in a bar chart need the ability to set the color of bars. cannot see how this possible.


    4. know that you were working on x- and y- axis labels to specify units. I had problem with the displaying of the chart. assume this was fixed?


    5. any plans of having a uni(m)stringgrid for touch application?


    6. (not really a feature request) but how do you have the "loading.... please wait" type message (and hourglass cursor) when the program moves from say the main page to the frame and queries are performed in the create event of the frame?





    PS. If any of these have been implemented/fixed please let me know what version to go to.

  13. Hi,


    In developing a mobile application using unim* controls only, I have been asked to display images within a dbgrid and based on user status. for example, if a user is logged in, a smiley face is displayed next to the person in the grid, and if the user is logged out, a sad face.


    I know this is possible using desktop controls (main demo > grids > images grid, and assume in unidbgrid via OnDrawColumnCell event), but this program ONLY uses mobile components.


    Sorry about the dumb questions... I am still learning what is or is not possible.



  14. I'm trying to play a video when a form opens. The issue I'm having is that, although the audio plays successfully, you cannot see the video component (you just get a black screen), until you click on the video itself. I found this link...




    which includes...


    Ext.define('MyVideo', {
        extend : 'Ext.Video',
        xtype  : 'myvideo',

        //hides poster, shows media
        onPlay : function() {

            if (!this.isInlineVideo) {

        //hides media, shows poster
        onEnd : function() {

            if (!this.isInlineVideo) {


    How can I incorporate the above code into UnimVideo1 component?




  15. at the moment with a TUnimChart the y-axis label displays number but we also need to add a label to indicate what is presented on the y-axis, such as "number of products" or "number of calls". Similarly, on the x-axis we want to be able to displays label like "call types". Is this possible?


    Secondly, when the largest value to display is '1', on the y-axis we see 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 etc... is it possible to only display whole numbers? (when display a count of something on the y-axis, you don't really have 1/2 of the item.)




  16. Looked at the demos etc. and I know how to color rows using UniDBGrid but wondering if this is possible in the mobile version? if so, how do I go about this? Essentially would be based on some field value that would be used to determine the color to use. Thanks in advance.



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