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Posts posted by Mauri

  1. I need to implement the Autocomplete functionality (similar to Smart Compose in Gmail) in a Memo field (TUniMemo or TUniHTMLMemo). Anyone have any suggestions on how to do this? Can be another component in javascript!

  2. we have a list of messages that are stored in the database and every time a message is triggered I make a query in the database. As this list changes very seldom we will read from the database at the time of initializing the IIS Server (We use ISAPI).

    I would like to store all messages in a variable of type TDictionary, however I do not know if I can leave it in ServerModule? I was wondering if multiple sessions fetching at the same time this single variable in ServerModule can give some conflict or problem?

    The idea would be to avoid having such a variable for each session and having only 1 for the system as a whole.

    Does anyone have any experience with global variables in this regard?

  3. Hello, 

    I have a TUniCalendarPanel component loaded with data and, because has a lot of records, show the link "+12 more...".
    I'd like to know how to treat this link for receive the records and can show other TUniForm of our system?
    Attached photo of case.
    Grateful already!


    • Upvote 1
  4. Hello, after I updated to version 1.0 RC (actually using 1365) I noted a difference when using appication forms.


    I know that application forms are created on demand without having to create it in code, but now, when I simply use something from the form like:


    Form1.someVariable := 'test'


    the form will automatically show without having to use Show or Showmodal, was this change intentional? If it was, is there a way to disable it?

    Because I have some forms that on Show I set some variables in other forms that will be used later, so that's causing me problems because when I open a form

    it will open the other ones.


    Thank you

  5. I was using version (working correctly) and went to upgrade to release in Delphi XE6. I ran the update as follows:
    1) I ran FMSoft_uniGUI_Professional_0.99.96.1352_Beta.exe without uninstalling the previous version
    2) Open the uniGUI_XE6_StdGroup.groupproj and build file
    3) Install uSynEdit_D2016.bpl
    4) Install uniGUI20dcl.bpl
    When I execute step 4 it gives the following message:
    [Dcc32 Fatal Error] uniGUI20dcl.dpk (73): E2225 Never-build package 'uniGUI20' must be recompiled
    If I try to compile 'uniGUI20' it gives the following message:
    [Dcc32 Error] uniEdit.pas (592): E2034 Too many current parameters
    [Dcc32 Fatal Error] uniGUIControlLogin.pas (21): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'uniEdit.pas'
    I then tried uninstalling everything, removing the folder and installing again from the beginning following the following guideline:
    Even installing everything again makes mistakes again
    What is wrong ?
    Member ID: 00404


  6. Solved it, the problem was not in my components, it was actually a function that I had in my legacy software that used a TLabel to get the Canvas.TextWidth to set the Width of some components, just replaced the TLabel for a TUniBitMap and it's working fine, thanks for the help.

  7. Hello there, I have a form that has controls created at runtime, if I run the project using the Standalone it works fine, but when I deploy it to Apache 32bits when I try to open the form I get an exception "Control '' has no parent Window"


    Does anyone know what might it be?


    Thank you.



  8. Hi,


    We converted a Delphi 7 project using UniGui in Delphi XE6 and we want to deploy it using Apache. We connect to a postgresql and Oracle database using DBExpress with DevArt library, in apache 32bits it works like a charm but when we try to initialize using apache 64bits the Dll libraries are not found (see in Picture). Unigui runtime is installed, the DLL are accessible and available on the Windows path and that this problem only occurs when using apache 64 bits. 







    Best Regards,



    Member ID: 00404


  9. Hi,
    I saw that there is the option "deferredRender" in the unigui PageControl, but it doesn't seem to work, if I'm not mistaken in ExtJS this option makes the PageControl only load the TabSheets when needed, making form rendering much faster, are there any plans in including that in unigui?"
    Delphi: XE6


    Member ID: 00404
  10. Hi,


    We use the Grid canvas to change the cell value according to the database value for some columns, like that (idgRecPac.Canvas.TextRect(Rect,Rect.Left + 2,Rect.Top + 2,IntToStr(icdManute.RecNo))),


    I would like to know if there's a way to do that in Unigui 


    thank you






    Delphi: XE6

  11. I made a new inherited component TUniCustomEdit and connected to data (TFieldDataLink) and I am using the javascript function below to mask formatting:



    js / jquery.maskedinput.min.js


    When I open the dataset in formshow event (TMainForm.UniFormShow) it correctly shows the code formatted in the edit, but if you open the dataset through a click of a button on the form it does not show the formatting.


    In this screen I have 10 edits one for each table field and then I give the click on button to open the table it just back to properly format all fields (10 fields) when I force formatting again (TCDBEdit.SetMask ...) and put the focus on only one of the fields he hits the formatting of all the others ...


    It seems you need to call some method to give a refresh on the screen (invalidate type of VCL).


    Does anyone have any ideas ?







    unit uniComps;


    TCDBEdit = class(TUniCustomEdit, IUniDBControl)
    fMask: string;
    procedure SetMask(const value: string);
    procedure LoadCompleted; override;
    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
    property DataField: WideString read GetDataField write SetDataField;
    property DataSource: TDataSource read GetDataSource write SetDataSource;

    procedure Register;


    constructor TCDBEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent);

    procedure TCDBEdit.LoadCompleted;
    if WebMode then
    JSCode('Ext.onReady ( function () {$("#' + Self.JSName +
    '_id-inputEl").mask("' + FMask + '");});');


    procedure TCDBEdit.SetMask(const value: string);
    FMask := value;
    JSCode('Ext.onReady ( function () {$("#' + Self.JSName +
    '_id-inputEl").mask("' + FMask + '");});');










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