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Posts posted by jmdoneva

  1. TUniImage is not responding to code to make visible = false or visible = true. It remains whatever it was set in design.


    I am using build 1329.

  2. when you use name/value pair in a string assigned to the combobox and want to hide the value and just show the name in the dropdown you have to do a owner draw something like this


    procedure comboboxDrawItem(Control: TwinControl; Index: Integer; Rect : TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState);


     combobox.Canvas.TextRect(Rect, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, combobox.Items.Names[index]);



    This will show just the name portion of the name/value pair in the dropdown. The value is still there but just is hidden.


    So I want to hide the values and only show the names.

  3. My original problem was that MessageDlg didn't stop code execution. I have only developed for desktop and know little about web development. I understand now that on the web server code execution does not stop. I can work around that. The true modal dialog isn't important for me at this point.

  4. Hello Mr. Mohajeri,


    No... it is FMSoft_uniGUI_Professional_0.99.96.1322_Beta.


    It works fine in standalone but had the above described problem as a ISAPI module on our Windows Server.

  5. When I MainModule -> EnableSynchronousOperations to True it destabilizes the webpage. Data doesn't load into the unidbgrid properly and the unibuttons stop executing code when pressed. Then after a minute or two the page will crash.


    Windows Server (Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard). I set up my site as recommended in you documentation for IIS 7.

  6. In your implementation of the MessageDlg in the format MessageDlg('string',dialogtype,mbyesno,callback). It moves to the next line of code after presenting the Message dialog without waiting for a response. For example...


    procedure test;


    Messagedlg('Would you like to continue?',mtConfirmation,mbyesno,DCallback1);




    procedure DCallback1(Sender: TComponent; res :Integer);


    case res of

    mrYes : do something;

    mrNo : do something else;




    when the procedure test presents the Message dialog it doesn't wait for the response but Closes the form because it has move to the next line of code. Is this the way it is supposed to work or is there another way to call MessageDlg so it waits for a response.

  7. When I create a new uniApplication through the wizard and take default (stand-alone server) it creates ServerModule, MainModule, Main and the program module. I have a unidbgrid and unicombobox in Main and tclientdataset, tsqltable, tdatasetprovider and tdatasource in the MainModule.  I query the tclientdataset through the tsqltable with the combobox. ie. changing the combobox requeries the tclientdataset through the tsqltable using its value as the parameter. All this works fine. But I also have a unipanel and unistatusbar that I change the caption on the unipanel and text in the unistatusbar panel as the user selects records on the unidbgrid through the tdatasource onchangedata event. This does not work. The only way to get it to work is to move the tdatasource to Main. The onchangedata event fires in either situation whether the tdatasource is in the MainModule or Main but the unipanel and unistatus will not respond to changes unless it is in Main.

    But this causes another problem. I also have another set of data (tclientdataset, tsqltable,tdatasetprovider,tdatasource) that uses the original tdatasource as mastersource. All is still fine until I close the project then reopen and try to compile. I get an error that it is a bad link from the MainModule to Main. It wants me to select another but won't let me so I have to drop the link then recompile then go back to the MainModule and relink the mastersource again.


    Am I thinking of the MainModule incorrectly. I am thinking of it like a Data Module. Should all the data components be somewhere else?

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