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Posts posted by RedOctober

  1. Thank you for the detailed answer.  This is very much what I expected.  About databases.  I normally use Firebird.  When building uniGUI apps, what is the recommended database for maximum scalability?  I hear of people using MongoDB but after doing some reading, Mongo has it's own problems and limitations.  Does uniGUI support MongoDB?

  2. I'm concerned that uniGui is very limited in the number of users it can serve.  Given two servers with identical hardware and both having Apache as the web server, can I serve more users with a Java based system versus a uniGui system?  (Consider which one uses more memory per user and has more interpretive steps.)


    On average, how many users do other forum member's applications typically serve?


    Let's pretend I want to build a web based dating site (I don't but it's a good scenario) that will serve 50,000 users in one country alone.  Is uniGui a good choice, or, would I have to throw $6,000,000 worth of hardware at it to support that many users?


    unGUI is stateful, which is understandable, because as soon as you introduce Authentication and Authorization, you have to keep track of sessions.  But this can also be extremly limiting if your sessions take up a lot of memory.


    As far as performance goes, how does uniGui stack up against something like Delphi MVC Framework by Daniel Teti?  DelphiMVCFramework is apparently very fast, and is stateless, but Daniel is just recently having to maybe introduce state, to get Auth and Auth. 


    I'm considering a purchase of the "Complete" version, so I don't want to find out 6 months into my uniGUI project that even with modern hardware I can't serve more than 100 users, because the time lag is too great.


    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.


  3. 61 years old.  I started with Delphi in 1996 Delphi 1.  Was able to write kick-ass software with Delphi ever since, so, never needed to change, until Delphi got too expensive and buggy, then a year ago I went to Lazarus.  I love Lazarus.  Reminds me of Delphi 1.  Super powerful yet simple and fast.  Why these youngsters think that loading 400GB of garbage, like "Chocolaty" and <what ever else gibberish acronym> in a gigantic stack is somehow "normal" is foreign to me.  Delphi talks directly to the OS's API.  Simple.

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