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Posts posted by md9projetos

  1. Talking about security,The mere fact that uniGUI is a server centric environment is already an advantage over traditional Delphi desktop applications.

    Application security and server security are two different subjects.

    I see many people here concerned about html injection,even though its a valid concern ,SQL injection is still much more dangerous.I myself never write SQL statements in my client application (at least when I´m doing my own stuff and tell the rules).

    In your client you should only call methods of  a service or stored procedures and work with the resultsets.

    Allways use https ,encryption whatever tool you have in your hands.

    If it make things slow,you should work in a VPN .


    Talking about server security,no matter what you do ,you´ll probably never reach the same level of security of a hosting provider,but if you really want to host yourself the best thing is buying a good dimensioned embed Linux appliance(Fortigate,Sonicwall,etc),and make a course to at least understand the basic concepts.

    Some of these appliances even have a kind of playgound to fool hackers.


    Try not to have your database ,and web server in the same machine,make several backups each day,have periodic password changes,policies to do whenever you fire a system administrator and so on.


    And of course,don´t use the database server,or the web server to surf the WEB.

    • Like 1
    • Upvote 1
  2. Farshad id developing UNIGUI since 2009,and now that the community is growing,the product is rock solid,its very unlikely that he´s will ever got bored.

    Also FMSoft not only produces UNIGUI ,it uses it to make their own systems.

    Actually UNIGUI is helping many users to save their years invested in Delphi.

    What differs UNIGUI from many other products ,some that have already died ,its that it have grown taking users opinions in consideration.

    Different than the other options(I´m not counting Intraweb here since it is not RIA),and the fact that  its just Delphi,you can really use much of your code,

    in the same IDE,with the same data acess components.

  3. Galera,


    Como começar com o uniGUI?


    Quem esta começando no uniGUI deve ler isto:





    Eu me basei neste sample fornecido por um usuário aqui do fórum.


    e também disponibilizei um meu




    Mas a grande maioria começa um projeto pelo allfeaturesdemo:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\AllFeaturesDemo



    Depois de instalar o UNIGUI

    C:\Program Files\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Docs

    C:\Program Files\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\AllFeaturesDemo

    Depois deve ler todos os exemplos dos demos.


    Isto evita perguntas primárias,vocÊ não vai achar ninguém

    para ler o manual do vídeo cassete para você, de resto o pessoal é colaborativo.

    Deixe para perguntar coisas realmente que mostrem que vocÊ procurou

    informação e não encontrou.


    procure por questões ,na funcionalidade Search do forum,provavelmente muitas das suas dúvidas

    já foram resolvidas em threads anteriores.



    Daí se realmente vocÊ estiver em apuros,explique seu problema de forma clara,e já post o código

    de uma vez,se for um problema de instalação,erros de runtime,já especifique qual a versão do Delphi

    e do UNIGUI,tente sempre estar com a última versão disponibilizada.

    A versão Trial tem algumas limitações(não se pode mudar o tema),não tem como gerar DLL,ETC.


    Para quem gosta de ler ,o UNIGUI é um framework cheio de exemplos,não é uma crítica a

    ninguém,até porquê muitas questões aqui são do tempo em que o UNIGUI não estava no nível

    que esta hoje.

    Se vocÊ não souber pixongas de Inglês,vocÊ pode se utilizar do google translator.


    O UNIGUI quase não tem  BUGS,e a FMSOFT simplesmente não aceita conviver com BUGS,eles vão lá e 

    resolvem,pelo menos é o que eu tenho visto no forum,quando eles existem são geralmente consequência de uma

    nova feature,se não quiser conviver com ele até sua solução,basta fazer um downgrade,O UNIGUI esta sempre tendo

    versões novas.

    Posso garantir que dá sim para ter uma aplicação robusta,tem muita gente ,há vários anos,

    utilizando em produção,esta em BETA por uma questão de consciência,mas já vi muito framework muito menos

    maduro etiquetado como 1.8.

    Se você manjar de Delphi,logo estará produtivo em UNIGUI,mesmo que não conheça nada de Web,óbvio que qualquer

    conhecimento sempre é bem vindo,mas se vocÊ não saber nada de Delphi,não vai aprender programação aqui.


    E por favor, se você estiver utilizando uma versão pirata,seja ao menos auto-suficiente, e menos cara-de-pau,

    existe uma enorme possibilidade de vocÊ passar vergonha aqui.





  4. UNIGUI is by far the most productive environment I found.

    I have studied Dart+Polymer,some React,have managed programmers in ,NET and Java.

    Delphi itself is a very productive tool,UNIGUI just made the bridge between Delphi and EXTJS.

    For those who really knows OOP,the so called separation of concerns were allways achieved by

    using objects and Visual Form Inheritance,all the navigation and behaviour was done in the form ancestors.

    You can have your business rules propagated to the client,so at least for me ,all these MVC environments

    just made things more cumbersome.

    So you have a very productive IDE,a killer framework EXTJS(even Polymer is not so feature rich)

    ,the most easy to read code(Object Pascal),good database acess.

    Angular and React are really not for ERP development.

    And I dont know any other language where You can protect your code like Delphi,obfuscation are not so good as having your DLL.


    The money you pay for a tool,is nothing if compared to salaries,testing,and the risk of loosing consumers during the transition.

    If you have a good system written in Delphi that needs to be ported,UNIGUI is your only option.

    Intraweb is not only ugly for today,it just don´t mimic a Desktop.


    Also uniGUI is year ahead of things like DevExpress or Telerik for C#,where Visual Studio basically is used to drop the components in the forms,than you have to do everything using Javascript.

    • Upvote 1
  5. I really don´t know if it is related to this specific Bug.

    Just saying that this realease has broken a lot of backward compatibility.

    In fact this is the Google way of doing things,they care  about velocity and be compliant with new specifications,

    but they don´t really care about the rest of the world.

    Their stuff Dart,Polymer,Angular are granted to run only in the last version of their browser.

    If you don´t use Google stuff,the best thing you can do is using FireFox or Edge as your primary browser

    or at least have Canary for when things go wrong,because sometimes they release the browsers with real bugs

    not only new specifications.

    Sencha on the other hand is really carefull about backward compatibility,and is fast enough.

  6. I´m not a web speciallist yet,but what operational system are you using,

    I´m using windows 8.1,really can´t reproduce this error.

    Since I´ve found people complaining about fonts ,it would be good to

    test it in other versions of windows too.


    Update:I´ve acessed marlon Nardi Financeiro and the buttons disapperead ,so

    at least in the client side,does not make difference .


    Update:I´ve acessed it again in another machine ,the buttons appeared,I answered no,then clicked again and the button disappeared.


    Update:In Google Canary the buttons never disappear.


    Update:In Google if you open the site in the Incognito mode the buttons don´t disappear anymore.


    This is happening with others too,not only UNIGUI.





  7. I think Weird bugs needs weird tests,for me the bug is related to the chrome engine like Farshad said,but occurs probably

    in a very specific situation,since in EXTJS nobody is complaining about that yet.


    The first one:Change the order of Yes or No(There is a message in EXTJS forum in 2011 for something similar that have affected css).



    Downgrade the navigator.



    Test the same navigator in a 32 bits windows,(There were bugs in the past in Chrome that affect just the 64 bits one).


    Fourth:Test with other themes.


    Fifth:Remove the specific language hifenation like the não.


    CSS is probably the most controversy subject in the Web world,Google,Facebook and Sencha are struggling to decrease the number of colateral effects in a daily basis,and also have different strategies,thats why whe should never upgrade Browsers or any other stuff in production,before some weeks of testing in UAT.



  8. Hi,


    I have been reading some complaint about themes,specially because same samples

    works better in some screen resolutions.

    After playing around a little bit what I think is that the Samples are just to show all Unigui features.

    The screen are more full of components than a normal application,So In the Real world all

    you have to do is to keep the components not so close to the edges of the frames.

    So if you for instance TYPES CTRL+ the screen will get a little bit higher without the need of

    using a scrollbar.

    I´m a beginner,

    Am I right?




  9. Eduardo,

    in the DataGrid.

    If I were you I would use at least a Flag to control the behaviour,or you´re going to have problems in

    users acceptance in the future..

    Unfortunatelly due to the behaviour of the VCL(I think the Delphi components ,not third part ones),users

    got used to the wrong begaviour,I allways hated that.

    <ENTER> means enter .so you´re entering in the cell

    <TAB> and arrows are universally accepted for navigation.

  10. But of course at this stage,it really does not make sense to realease bew themes

    since probably when Unigui starts using Exts 6 They would have to be rethinked.

    Yes ,after you get used,and since ctrl+ settings are saved,the themes really get

    really beutifull,no need for more themes.

  11. Or if you´re using the samples to get started.

    procedure TMainForm.GetThemes;
      S : TUniStringArray;
      I : Integer;
      S := UniServerModule.ThemeManager.AllThemes;

      for I := Low(S) to High(S) do

        //add custom themes



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