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Georges Soares

uniGUI Subscriber
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Posts posted by Georges Soares

  1. [sOLUTION]

    After thinking and researching, I began to understand the code and managed to make the changes.

    In the code to change the start of the agenda Just change


    Dt = Ext.Date.clearTime (new Date ('5/26/1972'));


    Dt = new Date ('5/26/1972 13:00:00');


    And if you still want to increase or decrease the time divisions you can change

    Dt = Ext.calendar.util.Date.add (dt, {hours: 1});


    Dt = Ext.calendar.util.Date.add (dt, {hours: 0.5});



    Be sure to set that part of the code to the desired amount of interval


      For (i = 0; i <24; i ++)


    Thank you guys who tried to help.


    If anyone has doubts let me know.

  2. I already use the code given above, it was very handy to put the time in default 24.
    But I tried to change it to show only a few hours but without success.

    See the altered part and the result in the image, I would like in this case that it showed the hour starting at 1:00 p.m.

                    dt = Ext.Date.clearTime(new Date('5/26/1972'));
                    for(i=0; i<24; i++){
                       if (i > 13){
                        times.push(Ext.Date.format(dt, 'G:i'));                                      
                        dt = Ext.calendar.util.Date.add(dt, {hours: 1});}   


  3. In searching the forum I found neither on the internet nor how to change the UniCalendarPanel:


    1. Start viewing by day and not by month

    2. Being by day, show only the hours I want, example, from 8am until 6pm

    3. disable a certain time zone, type 11am not possible to choose

    3. Change the time division, this every 30 minutes, put 15 minutes

  4. PageControl with style.


    Here is a simple example of pagecontrol with a different style.

    1. Stylized buttons with different image and border

    2. css changing style of pagecontrol borders

    3. source navigation code between the pages and marking the clicked button.

    4. In Delphi Builder Events with code to close the application before the new build

    5. Code to hide the traditional pagecontrol tabs


    But it is necessary to have the package of components of Paulo da Fenix: http://app.fenixerp.com.br/unigui/or you will have to build a lot in the hand.




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  5. If you want to see a little more of what I was able to do, go to the link below, it's an application that was initially developed 100% in android studio, then I migrated part in android studio and visual studio .net, now I migrated to uniGUI and I'm happier with Result, in fact we now have 3 framework running there:
    1. APK made in Android Studio running internal the uniGUI
    2. UniGUI application running and communicating with Android Studio via J.Script
    3. Gallery of images in VS C # .Net
    I also use components from Paulo da Fenix (http://app.fenixerp.com.br/unigui/), very top and some run on mobile.


  6. Well, I do not know if it is the best solution but it worked, as he commands through the grouping field, I created a new field to agupar by the Text and not by ID so the order worked. Workaround until you get an option to sort by the desired field.


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