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Posts posted by warmbooter

  1. The lack of control of the event font color is really a pain. In a CalendarPanel with 5 Calendars, it chooses bad colors for the events text, making it really difficult to read. Sometimes, it sets the event font color as the same as the background, making it impossible to read.

    Does anyone knows a workaround for this problem?

  2. Well, I think that now I understood what is going on.


    I'm using the Fieldlabel property of the DBEdits and DBCombos to display the label at top. Since the labels are not shown at designtime, I guess in runtime all the edits are moved a few pixels below (to accommodate the label above them). So, other components not using the Fieldlabel property looks like "misaligned".


    So, is this expected? Is it a good practive to use the Fieldlabel properties?



  3. I'm having problems with component positioning. What is shown in design time is not being respected at runtime.


    The involved "containers" are like this:


    MainForm -> ContainerPanel -> Frame -> Panel -> Visual components


    UniEdits and UniCombos located in the Panel respects the position defined at design time, but UniGroupBox and UniCheckBox appears at wrong position in runtime.


    Btw, how do I post a image here? The image button asks for an URL. Isn't there a way to post directly to the forum?


    Berlin 10.1 and UniGUI




  4. I have a DBGrid with several columns. Three columns has Editor property defined to UniEdits and UniComboBoxes.


    Editing a record in the grid is causing the following problems:


    1) If RowEdit is false, hit the TAB key moves the focus to next column correctly, but when the focus goes to a column attached to an editor component, I need to do a double click with the mouse in that cell to be able to enter some text.  This is very annoying.


    2) If RowEdit is true, I don't have the editing problem described in item1, but hitting the TAB key jumps to incorrect columns (not to the next one), and sometimes even loose the focus from the currently row.


    Any tips?



  5. Thank you! It worked.


    Maybe you can help with this too:


    I set up a UniComboBox as the editor of my State field. Is there a way to accept entering the value by the keyboard? Right now, if the focus is in the combo and I type any key, nothing happens. I need to click to see the dropdown list and select the state with the mouse. I was expecting kind of autodropdown if I start typing some key.


    Any hint about the grid auto-resizing with the browser window?


    Thanks again!



  6. Hello!


    1) My DBGrid is connected to a Users table containing a password field. What do I need to do to avoid the plain password text from being displayed in the grid, and when user edit it, a * to be displayed instead of the true character (like when using password char in an edit)?


    2) If I have a DBGrid in a frame, and this frame parent is a containerpanel in the mainform, how can I make the DBGrid to automatically adjust its width and height when the browser window is resized?


    3) How can I define a editmask for some of the fields, to forced the content to respect a specific format?




  7. Pessoal,


    Preciso desenvolver um projeto "rapidamente", então tem que ser em Intraweb ou em UniGUI. Nunca usei nenhum dos dois, mas conceitualmente me parecem semelhantes.


    Mas o Intraweb parece ter o desenvolvimento mais ativo do que o UniGUI, que a julgar pela data da ultima versao, faz mais de 1 ano que está "parado", e fico preocupado com a continuidade.


    Gostaria de ouvir a opinião de vocês, sobre qual ferramenta usariam pra começar um projeto hoje (e o motivo).




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