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Posts posted by luisgutierrezb

  1. I finish my little app in unigui and i want test in server, i follow the steps:


    comment line to deploy isapi

    copy dll to windows 2003 iis server, path c:\inetpub\wwwroot\apps\file.dll

    test file, but fails, i forget ext library, copy installer to server, run and path is c:\inetpub\wwwroot\apps\framework

    test again, fail! mmm maybe dll is in memory, don't show it in task manager, oh! but if i need test another app, ok, stop iis, move dll to directory c:\inetpub\wwwroot\apps\project\file.dll (for organize projects by folder)

    test again, fail! 2 problems, first: Cannot create file "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\apps\cache\file\vYt1iTLbxsQ2EwA\app_main_icon.png" but i move entire project to another folder, ok, i'm test, make dir cache but..

    second problem, and the first of post, not detect [ext] i think that because appears "loading" in text mode only

  2. Hello, i read a topic about "validate forms - cool feature" and experiment with allowblank, regex, etc.., but how can i do to disable a button until validate fields, i read in ext js documentation about property bind of button, and formpanel property monitor valid, but i can't make it work...


    anoter way it's checking field by field, this work, but how can i "stop" a button for send informacion, in another words, i check fields, one it's not valid, how can i abort process of button until user fix problem

  3. Hello, i have a little application in delphi xe2 with one form, 1 uniedit, 2 buttons, some unilabels, (image file of program is attached).


    the program uses dbexpress to connect to mssql server database and only show data, not insert or modify, if press button "buscar" search database and show results, y modify the labels in the button:



    lblCveCatastral.Text := qryPredial.FieldByName('CveCatastral').DisplayText;
    lblFechaConsulta.Text := qryPredial.FieldByName('FechaACTUAL').DisplayText;
    lblImpuestoPredial.Text := qryPredial.FieldByName('Imp_Impuesto').DisplayText;


    but labels, don't show values, show default values i use in design mode (values showed in attachment),


    the problem begins when i use quickpdf library (i think, before works fine) to generate report, but i delete library reference in uses clause, comment all code of second button (used for generate pdf), remove search database code,

    the only code in button "buscar" actually is


          lblCveCatastral.Text := 'U999999999';
         lblFechaConsulta.Text := 'dd/mm/aaaa';
         lblImpuestoPredial.Text := '0.00';
         lblDifTranslado.Text := '0.00';
         lblImpuestoVencido.Text := '0.00';
         lblRecargosActual.Text := '0.00';
         lblRecargosAnteriores.Text := '0.00';
         lblGastos.Text := '0.00';
         lblBonificacion.Text := '0.00';
         lblSaldoConvenio.Text := '0.00';
         lblSubsidio.Text := '0.00';
         lblTotal.Text := '0.00';
         lblPagado.Text := '0.00';
         lblSaldo.Text := '0.00';
         lblSaldo.Font.Color := clWindowText;


    and the problem persist, any idea??


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