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Posts posted by Rem

  1. mosty of the time, except it runs over my items list when i enter the combobox control.


    as an alternative, are there any plans to offer a horizontal alignment of the radio group control?


    in most cases i could use the radio group to show the few options i often present to the user in the combo box

    if i could list in multi column radio group as delphi and intraweb provide

  2. with IPAD, the keyboard automatically appears when i enter the combo, which hides the drop down list.

    Is there a way to prevent the default keyboard behaviour and/or set the combo to read only which may fix problem 1

  3. Problem was related to my feeble attempt tp raise a javascript alert in mainform.scripts.

    XE2 seems to work with the 32bit target

    I cleared my faulty code and the app works as a 32-bit DLL on a wndows server 2008 64bit IIS7 server


    Is there some help for how to inject javascript when mainform loads and to turn off the automatic keyboard on the touchpad when i enter a combo box control?

  4. I've recently installed Rad Studio XE2 and am attempting to comple a working ISAPI module to a 32 bit target platform.

    The exe works fine locally. When I deploy to a 64bit windows 2008 IIS7 environment the XE2 vesion hangs, but the XE version runs fine.

    Is there somthing I'm missing when using fmsoft_unigui_beta_0.87.0.907 in an XE2 environment?

  5. Is there a method to call to detect the type of browser?

    I need to determine if the request is coming from an ipad and if yes i need to redirect to a different location



    this project is fantastic!

  6. ExtRoot should be "ext-x.y.z\" not "ext-3.0.0\".

    You never change "x.y.z" to any number, just leave it to "ext-x.y.z\".



    Thank you!! you answer worked

    that property was initially set to [ext/]


    should i have just left it as it was?


    Now i can see what Uni can do.

  7. Ext was defined in ext-base.js, that it mean "<script src="/uni/unibasicdll1.dll/ext-3.3.0/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>" could not be loaded.

    If all files were in the correct location, try to check IIS has permission to access this.



    here's the iis path

    servermodule ext root prperty is set to





    website path for extJs is



    I copied all Ext files and subfolderes from the fmssoft framework location

    the app root is C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Uni


    I'll recheck everything again

    Thanks for the quick response

  8. I've created a basic form with one button on it.

    IIS 7 has been configured as directed on your web page

    including creating Cache and ext-3.3.0 folders ubder the root with the permissions you've decribed

    copied the ext-3.3.0 subfolders in the correct locations


    All I see is the 'loading page'..


    The web page soiurce code shows that the folderes are all set correctly


    There must be a simple thhing that i'm missing


    This particular server is functioning with a complex intraweb app in another pool


    Any suggestions or is there a functioning hello world dll demo that i could upload?





    line 25, character 1 : source error is 'Ext' id undefined

    right here >>[ Ext.onReady(function()]


    Where is the object Ext defined?


    page source is here:

    <!DOCTYPE html public>




    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="charset=utf-8" />

    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />

    <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache" />

    <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" />


    <link rel=stylesheet href="/uni/unibasicdll1.dll/ext-3.3.0/resources/css/uni-ext.css" />

    <link rel=stylesheet href="/uni/unibasicdll1.dll/ext-3.3.0/resources/css/ext-all.css" />

    <script src="/uni/unibasicdll1.dll/ext-3.3.0/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>

    <script src="/uni/unibasicdll1.dll/ext-3.3.0/ext-sync-1.3.1-min.js"></script>

    <script src="/uni/unibasicdll1.dll/ext-3.3.0/ext-all.js"></script>

    <script src="/uni/unibasicdll1.dll/ext-3.3.0/examples/ux/ux-all.js"></script>

    <link rel=stylesheet href="/uni/unibasicdll1.dll/ext-3.3.0/resources/css/xtheme-blue.css" />

    <link rel=stylesheet href="/uni/unibasicdll1.dll/ext-3.3.0/examples/ux/css/ux-all.css" />

    <style>body { background: #008000; }</style>

    <script src="/uni/unibasicdll1.dll/ext-3.3.0/ext-unigui-1.3.1-min.js"></script>








    function AjaxError(m, t){Ext.Msg.show({title:"Ajax Error",multiline: true,value:t,width:400,minWidth:200,msg:m,icon:Ext.Msg.ERROR,buttons:Ext.Msg.OK});};function AjaxSuccess(response){if(_aexc_(response))return;try{eval(response.responseText);}catch(err){AjaxError(err.message,response.responseText);}};function AjaxFailure(){AjaxError("Server unavailable, please try later");};Download=Ext.DomHelper.append(document.body,{tag:"iframe",cls:"x-hidden"}); O0=new Ext.Window({id:"O0_id",onEsc:function(){},layout:"anchor",closeAction:"close",maximizable:true,minimizable:true,title:"uni basic 1 dll",width:483,height:562});O0.nm="O0";_cdo_("MainForm");MainForm.ajxS=AjaxSuccess;MainForm.ajxF=AjaxFailure;O0.rootObj=true;MainForm.appRoot="/uni/unibasicdll1.dll/";_cdo_(null,O0,"window",MainForm); O10=new Ext.form.FormPanel({id:"O10_id",border:false,layout:"absolute",anchor:"100% 100%",baseCls:"x-window",bodyStyle: "background-color:#FF00FF"});O10.nm="O10";_cdo_(null,O10,"form",MainForm);O0.add(O10);O0.on("close",function(P0){return Ext.Ajax.request({url:"/Uni/UniBasicdll1.dll/HandleEvent",params:"Ajax=1&Ajax=1&IsEvent=1&Obj=O0&Evt=close&P="+P0.nm+""+_gv_(O10),success:AjaxSuccess,failure:AjaxFailure,obj:O0});});O0.on("move",function(P0,P1,P2){return Ext.Ajax.request({url:"/Uni/UniBasicdll1.dll/HandleEvent",params:"Ajax=1&Ajax=1&IsEvent=1&Obj=O0&Evt=move&This="+P0.nm+"&X="+P1+"&Y="+P2+""+_gv_(O10),success:AjaxSuccess,failure:AjaxFailure,obj:O0});});O0.on("resize",function(P0,P1,P2){return Ext.Ajax.request({url:"/Uni/UniBasicdll1.dll/HandleEvent",params:"Ajax=1&Ajax=1&IsEvent=1&Obj=O0&Evt=resize&This="+P0.nm+"&Width="+P1+"&Height="+P2+""+_gv_(O10),success:AjaxSuccess,failure:AjaxFailure,obj:O0});});O0.on("activate",function(P0){return Ext.Ajax.request({url:"/Uni/UniBasicdll1.dll/HandleEvent",params:"Ajax=1&Ajax=1&IsEvent=1&Obj=O0&Evt=activate&This="+P0.nm+""+"&ci="+_gci_()+_gv_(O10),success:AjaxSuccess,failure:AjaxFailure,obj:O0});});O0.on("maximize",function(P0){return Ext.Ajax.request({url:"/Uni/UniBasicdll1.dll/HandleEvent",params:"Ajax=1&Ajax=1&IsEvent=1&Obj=O0&Evt=maximize&This="+P0.nm+""+_gv_(O10),success:AjaxSuccess,failure:AjaxFailure,obj:O0});});O0.on("minimize",function(P0){return Ext.Ajax.request({url:"/Uni/UniBasicdll1.dll/HandleEvent",params:"Ajax=1&Ajax=1&IsEvent=1&Obj=O0&Evt=minimize&This="+P0.nm+""+_gv_(O10),success:AjaxSuccess,failure:AjaxFailure,obj:O0});});O0.on("restore",function(P0){return Ext.Ajax.request({url:"/Uni/UniBasicdll1.dll/HandleEvent",params:"Ajax=1&Ajax=1&IsEvent=1&Obj=O0&Evt=restore&This="+P0.nm+""+_gv_(O10),success:AjaxSuccess,failure:AjaxFailure,obj:O0});}); O20=new Ext.form.Label({id:"O20_id",width:393,height:13,x:48,y:40,text:"Welcome Back My Friend To the Main Form"});O20.nm="O20";_cdo_("UniLabel1",O20,null,MainForm);O10.add(O20);O0.show();O0.header.child("span", true).style.marginLeft="19px";O0.header.dom.style.background="url(/uni/unibasicdll1.dll/cache/UniBasicdll1/UpK6Odck75C2sb5/app_main_icon.png) no-repeat 0px 4px";});



    <div id="loading-mask"></div><div id="loading"><div class="loading-indicator">Loading Basic Uni Dll #1</div></div>

    <div id=body></div><noscript>This web application requires JavaScript enabled</noscript></body>

    <link REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="/uni/unibasicdll1.dll/cache/UniBasicdll1/UpK6Odck75C2sb5/favicon.ico"></html>

  9. I've created a basic form with one button on it.

    IIS 7 has been configured as directed on your web page

    including creating Cache and ext-3.3.0 folders ubder the root with the permissions you've decribed

    copied the ext-3.3.0 subfolders in the correct locations


    All I see is the 'loading page'..


    The web page soiurce code shows that the folderes are all set correctly


    There must be a simple thjing that i'm missing


    This particular server is functioning with a complex intraweb app in another pool


    Any suggestions or is there a functioning hello world dll demo that i could upload?

  10. There are no controls to handle authentication as a far as I know. I build my own system.

    Being a newbie, could yuu elaborate a bit?

    I've only experimented with ISAPI 7 on windows 2008.

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